कुलदेवी और कुलदेवता की जानकारी सबमिट करें

कुलदेवी और कुलदेवता की जानकारी सबमिट करें यहाँ प्रस्तुत है विभिन्न Nukh व गोत्रों की कुलदेवी और कुलदेवता की सूची का विवरण तथा सम्बन्धित विविध लेख। इन लेखों से आप अपने NUKH -गोत्रों के इतिहास,कुलदेवी और कुलदेवता इत्यादि के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। यदि आप अपने समाज से सम्बंधित कोई लेख इस ब्लॉग में जोड़ना चाहते हैं तो आपका लेख इस लिंक पर भेज सकते हैं अन्य NUKH - गोत्रों की कुलदेवियों की सूची...को भी जोड़ने का क्रम जारी है। यदि आप अपने कुलदेवी और कुलदेवता के बारे में कोई जानकारी देना चाहते हैं तो कृपया अपना लेख ऊपर दिए गए E- MAIL - bhatiacommunity@gmail.com पर सबमिट करें

Friday, September 30, 2022

Kuldevi Kuldevta devta

Kuldevi Kuldevta devta

Shocking information about Kuldevi and Gods. kuldevi devta There are Kuldevi and deities of many societies or castes in India. Apart from this, there are also ancestors. Indian people have been worshiping their Kuldevi and deity for thousands of years. There is a deep secret behind worshiping the Kuldevi and the deity, which very few people would know. Come let's know why everyone's Kuldevi and Gods are different and why it is necessary to worship them? In auspicious functions like birth, marriage etc., she is worshiped or praised in her name by visiting the place of Kuldevi or deities. Apart from this, there is also a day when the people of the respective clan gather at the place of their deity and deity. Those who do not know or have forgotten about their Kuldevi and Deity, they are cut off from the branch and roots of their clan. The question is, why are the Kuldevtas and Kuldevi different for everyone? The answer is that the clan is different, so it is natural that the deities and deities will also be different. In fact, for thousands of years to organize their clan and to preserve its history, Kuldevi and deities were appointed at a certain place. That place was the original place of the people of that clan or clan. Suppose a person lives in Gujarat but his Kuldevi and deity are at some place in Rajasthan. If that person knows that my Kuldevi and the deity are at that place, then he can go there and meet the people of his clan. Thousands of people gather there on a particular day. That means those thousands of people belong to your clan. However, some places have become so famous that people of other clans also come to visit there. For example, when your great-grandfather's great-grandfather may have migrated from somewhere for any reason and settled in some other place, he must have built a small temple there, where the idols of your Kuldevi and deity will be kept. Everyone knew that what is the origin of our clan by staying connected with that temple? This is the time when people had to migrate from one city to another or from one state to another to avoid the invaders. In such a situation, in order to organize and save the people of their clan and caste with them, they used to build such a temple in a place where the scattered people of their clan could gather.

Earlier it used to be that the person associated with the temple had a large book in which he used to record the names, addresses and gotras of the people who came and got them registered. In this way a data of people of the same clan was prepared. This work was the same as the teerth purohit or pande sitting on the banks of the Ganges records the name of your clan and gotra. You may not know the name of your great-grandfather's great-grandfather, but the names of your ancestors are written near those pilgrimage priests. Similarly, Kuldevi and deity not only connect you with your ancestors, but they also become a means of meeting thousands of unknown people of your family who are currently alive. That is why there is importance of worshiping Kuldevi and Kul Devta. This keeps you connected to your family tree and if it is true that there is a soul and there are ancestors, then they are also watching you from somewhere. They love seeing this and they give you many blessings. Now again understand that every Hindu family is related to the descendant of some deity, deity or sage. It is known from his gotra to which lineage he belongs. Suppose a person's gotra is Bharadwaj, then he is the child of Bharadwaj Rishi. Later on, a person came forward in Bharadwaj's clan and he started the family in his own name, so people started knowing that clan by that name. In this way we will get people of Bharadwaj gotra in all caste and society. Every caste class is the child of some sage and for the children born of those original sages, they are worshiped as sage or sage wife as Kuldev and Kuldevi. Apart from this, the seniors of the family of ancestors of a clan started worshiping them by choosing a suitable Kul Devta or Kuldevi and built a temple for her at a certain place so that their family would be connected to a spiritual and supernatural power and from there its Keep being protected.

Kuldevi or deities are the protectors of the clan or lineage. They are the first revered and original officials of the family or lineage-tradition. They are counted like the elderly members of our household. Therefore, it is necessary to remember them in every work. Their effect is so important that if they become angry then no other deity or deity can stop or reduce their ill effects or harm except Hanumanji. Think of it like this that if the head of the household, father or mother, is angry with you, then no one from the neighborhood or outside can enter your house for your good, because they are 'outsiders'. It is mentioned in detail in the Gita that how the family is destroyed? There are many families who do not know anything about their Kuldevi or deity. This is because he has not only stopped going to the place of the Kuldevi or the deities, but has also stopped worshiping them. But their ancestors and their gods are watching them equally. If anyone does not know about his Kuldevi and deities, then he should inquire about it by asking his elders, relatives or pundits. One should try to know where Jhadula, Mundan Sankar is done according to your gotra tradition or where 'Jaat' is given. Also where does a final phera (5, 6, 7th) take place after marriage? It is said that over a period of time, families move from one place to another, change religion, get displaced due to fear of invaders, untimely death of knowledgeable person, decay of rites, development of heterogeneity, development of western mentality and new ideas. By getting entangled in the illusion of knowledge of the company of saints, people have forgotten the history of their lineage by forgetting the deities and deities of their clan. Especially this trend is more visible in the cities. It has also been seen that after leaving the worship of the deities, there is no significant change for a few years, but when the protection cycle of the deities is removed, then the period of incidents and accidents starts in the family, progress starts stopping. There is domestic dispute, disturbance and unrest etc. The lineage cannot continue. A person being a traitor destroys his lineage.


કુલદેવી કુલદેવતા દેવતા કુળદેવી અને દેવતાઓ વિશે ચોંકાવનારી માહિતી. kuldevi devta ભારતમાં ઘણા સમાજો અથવા જાતિઓના કુળદેવી અને દેવતાઓ છે. આ ઉપરાંત પૂર્વજો પણ છે. ભારતીય લોકો હજારો વર્ષોથી તેમના કુળદેવી અને દેવતાઓની પૂજા કરે છે. કુળદેવી અને દેવતાઓની પૂજા કરવા પાછળ એક ઊંડું રહસ્ય છે, જે બહુ ઓછા લોકો જાણતા હશે. આવો જાણીએ દરેકના કુળદેવી અને ભગવાન અલગ-અલગ કેમ છે અને તેમની પૂજા શા માટે જરૂરી છે? જન્મ, લગ્ન વગેરે જેવા શુભ કાર્યોમાં, કુળદેવી અથવા દેવતાઓના સ્થાને જઈને તેણીની પૂજા અથવા સ્તુતિ કરવામાં આવે છે. આ ઉપરાંત એક દિવસ એવો પણ આવે છે જ્યારે સંબંધિત કુળના લોકો પોતાના દેવી-દેવતાના સ્થાને ભેગા થાય છે. જેઓ પોતાના કુળદેવી અને દેવતા વિશે જાણતા નથી અથવા ભૂલી ગયા છે, તેઓ તેમના કુળની શાખા અને મૂળમાંથી કાપી નાખવામાં આવે છે. પ્રશ્ન એ છે કે દરેક માટે કુલદેવતા અને કુળદેવી કેમ અલગ છે? જવાબ એ છે કે કુળ અલગ છે એટલે દેવી-દેવતાઓ પણ અલગ હશે તે સ્વાભાવિક છે. વાસ્તવમાં હજારો વર્ષોથી પોતાના કુળને વ્યવસ્થિત કરવા અને તેના ઈતિહાસની જાળવણી માટે ચોક્કસ જગ્યાએ કુળદેવી અને દેવતાઓની નિમણૂક કરવામાં આવી હતી. એ જગ્યા એ કુળ કે કુળના લોકોનું મૂળ સ્થાન હતું. ધારો કે કોઈ વ્યક્તિ ગુજરાતમાં રહે છે પણ તેના કુળદેવી અને દેવતા રાજસ્થાનમાં કોઈ જગ્યાએ છે. જો તે વ્યક્તિને ખબર હોય કે મારી કુળદેવી અને દેવતા તે સ્થાન પર છે તો તે ત્યાં જઈને પોતાના કુળના લોકોને મળી શકે છે. ચોક્કસ દિવસે હજારો લોકો ત્યાં ભેગા થાય છે. મતલબ એ હજારો લોકો તમારા કુળના છે. જો કે, કેટલીક જગ્યાઓ એટલી પ્રખ્યાત થઈ ગઈ છે કે અન્ય કુળના લોકો પણ ત્યાં ફરવા આવે છે. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, જ્યારે તમારા પરદાદાના પરદાદા કોઈ કારણસર ક્યાંકથી સ્થળાંતર કરીને અન્ય કોઈ જગ્યાએ સ્થાયી થયા હશે, ત્યારે તેમણે ત્યાં એક નાનું મંદિર બનાવ્યું હશે, જ્યાં તમારા કુળદેવી અને દેવતાઓની મૂર્તિઓ રાખવામાં આવશે. બધાને ખબર હતી કે એ મંદિર સાથે જોડાયેલા રહીને આપણા કુળનું મૂળ શું છે? આ તે સમય છે જ્યારે લોકોએ આક્રમણકારોથી બચવા માટે એક શહેરથી બીજા શહેરમાં અથવા એક રાજ્યમાંથી બીજા રાજ્યમાં સ્થળાંતર કરવું પડ્યું હતું. આવી સ્થિતિમાં પોતાના કુળ અને જ્ઞાતિના લોકોને સંગઠિત કરવા અને બચાવવા માટે તેઓ પોતાના કુળના છૂટાછવાયા લોકો એકઠા થઈ શકે તેવી જગ્યાએ મંદિર બનાવતા હતા. પહેલા એવું બનતું હતું કે મંદિર સાથે સંકળાયેલ વ્યક્તિ પાસે એક મોટું પુસ્તક હતું જેમાં તે આવનારા લોકોના નામ, સરનામા અને ગોત્ર નોંધી લેતો હતો અને તેનું રજીસ્ટ્રેશન કરાવતો હતો. આ રીતે એક જ કુળના લોકોનો ડેટા તૈયાર કરવામાં આવ્યો હતો. આ કામ ગંગાના કિનારે બેસીને તીર્થ પુરોહિત કે પાંડે તમારા કુળ અને ગોત્રના નામની નોંધ લે છે તેવું જ હતું. તમે તમારા પરદાદાના પરદાદાનું નામ નહીં જાણતા હોવ, પરંતુ તમારા પૂર્વજોના નામ એ તીર્થયાત્રાના પૂજારીઓ પાસે લખેલા છે. એ જ રીતે, કુળદેવી અને દેવતા તમને ફક્ત તમારા પૂર્વજો સાથે જ જોડતા નથી, પરંતુ તેઓ તમારા પરિવારના હજારો અજાણ્યા લોકોને મળવાનું સાધન પણ બની જાય છે જેઓ હાલમાં જીવિત છે. તેથી જ કુળદેવી અને કુલ દેવતાની પૂજાનું મહત્વ છે. આ તમને તમારા પરિવારના વૃક્ષ સાથે જોડાયેલા રાખે છે અને જો તે સાચું છે કે આત્મા છે અને પૂર્વજો છે, તો તે તમને ક્યાંકથી જોઈ રહ્યા છે. તેઓ આ જોઈને પ્રેમ કરે છે અને તેઓ તમને ઘણા આશીર્વાદ આપે છે. હવે ફરી સમજો કે દરેક હિંદુ પરિવાર કોઈને કોઈ દેવી, દેવતા અથવા ઋષિના વંશજ સાથે સંબંધિત છે. તે કયા વંશનો છે તે તેના ગોત્ર પરથી જાણી શકાય છે. ધારો કે કોઈ વ્યક્તિનું ગોત્ર ભારદ્વાજ છે, તો તે ભારદ્વાજ ઋષિનું સંતાન છે. પછીથી ભારદ્વાજના કુળમાં એક વ્યક્તિ આગળ આવ્યો અને તેણે પોતાના નામે પરિવાર શરૂ કર્યો, તેથી લોકો તે કુળને તે નામથી ઓળખવા લાગ્યા. આ રીતે આપણને તમામ જાતિ અને સમાજમાં ભારદ્વાજ ગોત્રના લોકો મળશે. દરેક જાતિ વર્ગ કોઈને કોઈ ઋષિનું સંતાન છે અને તે મૂળ ઋષિઓથી જન્મેલા બાળકો માટે તેઓ ઋષિ અથવા ઋષિ પત્ની તરીકે કુલદેવ અને કુળદેવી તરીકે પૂજવામાં આવે છે. આ ઉપરાંત, કુળના પૂર્વજોના પરિવારના વરિષ્ઠોએ યોગ્ય કુલ દેવતા અથવા કુળદેવી પસંદ કરીને તેમની પૂજા કરવાનું શરૂ કર્યું અને તેમના માટે એક ચોક્કસ સ્થાન પર મંદિર બનાવ્યું જેથી તેમનો પરિવાર આધ્યાત્મિક અને અલૌકિક શક્તિ સાથે જોડાયેલો રહે અને ત્યાં તેને સુરક્ષિત રાખવામાં આવે છે. કુળદેવી અથવા દેવતાઓ કુળ અથવા વંશના રક્ષક છે. તેઓ કુટુંબ અથવા વંશ-પરંપરાના પ્રથમ આદરણીય અને મૂળ અધિકારીઓ છે. તેઓની ગણતરી અમારા ઘરના વૃદ્ધ સભ્યોની જેમ થાય છે. તેથી દરેક કાર્યમાં તેમને યાદ રાખવા જરૂરી છે. તેમની અસર એટલી મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે કે જો તેઓ ક્રોધિત થઈ જાય તો હનુમાનજી સિવાય અન્ય કોઈ દેવી-દેવતા તેમની ખરાબ અસર અથવા નુકસાનને રોકી અથવા ઘટાડી શકતા નથી. આ રીતે વિચારો કે જો ઘરના વડા, પિતા કે માતા તમારાથી નારાજ હોય, તો તમારા ભલા માટે આડોશ કે બહારથી કોઈ તમારા ઘરમાં પ્રવેશી શકશે નહીં, કારણ કે તેઓ 'બહારના' છે. ગીતામાં વિગતવાર ઉલ્લેખ છે કે કુટુંબનો નાશ કેવી રીતે થાય છે? એવા ઘણા પરિવારો છે જેઓ તેમના કુ વિશે કશું જાણતા નથી.


कुलदेवी और देवताओं के बारे में चौंकाने वाली जानकारी | kuldevi devta

भारत में कई समाज

या जाति के कुलदेवी और देवता होते हैं। इसके अलावा पितृदेव भी होते हैं। भारतीय लोग हजारों वर्षों से अपने कुलदेवी और देवता की पूजा करते आ रहे हैं। कुलदेवी और देवता को पूजने के पीछे एक गहरा रहस्य है, जो बहुत कम लोग जानते होंगे। आओ जानते हैं कि सभी के कुलदेवी-देवता अलग क्यों होते हैं और उन्हें क्यों पूजना जरूरी होता है?

जन्म, विवाह आदि मांगलिक कार्यों में कुलदेवी या देवताओं के स्थान पर जाकर उनकी पूजा की जाती है या उनके नाम से स्तुति की जाती है। इसके अलावा एक ऐसा भी दिन होता है जबकि संबंधित कुल के लोग अपने देवी और देवता के स्थान पर इकट्ठा होते हैं। जिन लोगों को अपने कुलदेवी और देवता के बारे में नहीं मालूम है या जो भूल गए हैं, वे अपने कुल की शाखा और जड़ों से कट गए हैं।

सवाल यह है कि कुल देवता और कुलदेवी सभी के अलग-अलग क्यों होते हैं? इसका उत्तर यह है कि कुल अलग है, तो स्वाभाविक है कि कुलदेवी-देवता भी-अलग अलग ही होंगे। दरअसल, हजारों वर्षों से अपने कुल को संगठित करने और उसके इतिहास को संरक्षित करने के लिए ही कुलदेवी और देवताओं को एक निश्‍चित स्थान पर नियुक्त किया जाता था। वह स्थान उस वंश

या कुल के लोगों का मूल स्थान होता था।

मान लो कोई व्यक्ति गुजरात में रहता है लेकिन उसके कुलदेवी और देवता राजस्थान के किसी स्थान पर हैं। यदि उस व्यक्ति को यह मालूम है कि मेरे कुलदेवी और देवता उक्त स्थान पर हैं, तो वह वहां जाकर अपने कुल के लोगों से मिल सकता है। वहां हजारों लोग किसी खास दिन इकट्ठा होते हैं। इसका मतलब है कि वे हजारों लोग आप ही के कुल के हैं। हालांकि कुछ स्‍थान इतने प्रसिद्ध हो गए हैं कि वहां दूसरे कुल के लोग भी दर्शन करने आते हैं।

उदाहरणार्थ आपके परदादा के परदादा ने किसी दौर में कहीं से किसी भी कारणवश पलायन करके जब किसी दूसरी जगह रैन-बसेरा बसाया होगा तो निश्चित ही उन्होंने वहां पर एक छोटा सा मंदिर बनाया होगा, जहां पर आपके कुलदेवी और देवता की मूर्तियां रखी होंगी। सभी उस मंदिर से जुड़े रहकर यह जानते थे कि हमारे कुल का मूल क्या है?

यह उस दौर की बात है, जब लोगों को आक्रांताओं से बचने के लिए एक शहर से दूसरे शहर या एक राज्य से दूसरे राज्य में पलायन करना होता था। ऐसे में वे अपने साथ अपने कुल और जाति के लोगों को संगठित और बचाए रखने के लिए वे एक जगह ऐसा मंदिर बनाते थे, जहां पर कि उनके कुल के बिखरे हुए लोग इकट्टा हो सकें।

पहले यह होता था कि मंदिर से जुड़े व्यक्ति के पास एक बड़ी-सी पोथी होती थी जिसमें वह उन लोगों के नाम, पते और गोत्र दर्ज करता था, जो आकर दर्ज करवाते थे। इस तरह एक ही कुल के लोगों का एक डाटा तैयार हो जाता था। यह कार्य वैसा ही था, जैसा कि गंगा किनारे बैठा तीर्थ पुरोहित या पंडे आपके कुल और गोत्र का नाम दर्ज करते हैं। आपको अपने परदादा के परदादा का नाम नहीं मालूम होगा लेकिन उन तीर्थ पुरोहित के पास आपके पूर्वजों के नाम लिखे होते हैं।

इसी तरह कुलदेवी और देवता आपको आपके पूर्वजों से ही नहीं जोड़ते बल्कि वह वर्तमान में जिंदा आपके कुल खानदान

के हजारों अनजान लोगों से भी मिलने का जरिया भी बनते हैं। इसीलिए कुलदेवी और कुल देवता को पूजने का महत्व है। इससे आप अपने वंशवृक्ष से जुड़े रहते हैं और यदि यह सत्य है कि आत्मा होती है और पूर्वज होते हैं, तो वे भी आपको कहीं से देख रहे होते हैं। उन्हें यह देखकर अच्‍छा लगता है और वे आपको ढेर सारे आशीर्वाद देते हैं।

अब फिर से समझें कि प्रत्येक हिन्दू परिवार किसी न किसी देवी, देवता या ऋषि के वंशज से संबंधित है। उसके गोत्र से यह पता चलता है कि वह किस वंश से संबधित है। मान लीजिए किसी व्यक्ति का गोत्र भारद्वाज है तो वह भारद्वाज ऋषि की संतान है। कालांतर में भारद्वाज के कुल में ही आगे चलकर कोई व्यक्ति हुआ और उसने अपने नाम से कुल चलाया, तो उस कुल को उस नाम से लोग जानने लगे। इस तरह हमें भारद्वाज गोत्र के लोग सभी जाति और समाज में मिल जाएंगे।

हर जाति वर्ग, किसी न किसी ऋषि की संतान है और उन मूल ऋषि से उत्पन्न संतान के लिए वे ऋषि या ऋषि पत्नी कुलदेव

व कुलदेवी के रूप में पूज्य हैं। इसके अलावा किसी कुल के पूर्वजों के खानदान के वरिष्ठों ने अपने लिए उपयुक्त कुल देवता अथवा कुलदेवी का चुनाव कर उन्हें पूजित करना शुरू किया और उसके लिए एक निश्चित जगह एक मंदिर बनवाया ताकि एक आध्यात्मिक और पारलौकिक शक्ति से उनका कुल जुड़ा रहे और वहां से उसकी रक्षा होती रहे।


कुलदेवी या देवता कुल या वंश के रक्षक देवी-देवता होते हैं। ये घर-परिवार या वंश-परंपरा के प्रथम पूज्य तथा मूल अधिकारी देव होते हैं। इनकी गणना हमारे घर के बुजुर्ग सदस्यों जैसी होती है। अत: प्रत्येक कार्य में इन्हें याद करना जरूरी होता है। इनका प्रभाव इतना महत्वपूर्ण होता है कि यदि ये रुष्ट हो जाएं तो हनुमानजी के अलावा अन्य कोई देवी या देवता इनके दुष्प्रभाव या हानि को कम नहीं कर सकता या रोक नहीं लगा सकता। इसे यूं समझें कि यदि घर का मुखिया पिताजी या माताजी आपसे नाराज हों, तो पड़ोस के या बाहर का कोई भी आपके भले के लिए आपके घर में प्रवेश नहीं कर सकता, क्योंकि वे 'बाहरी' होते हैं। गीता में इस संबंध में विस्तार से उल्लेख मिलता है कि कुल का नाश कैसा होता है?

ऐसे अनेक परिवार हैं जिन्हें अपने कुलदेवी या देवता के बारे में कुछ भी नहीं मालूम है। ऐसा इसलिए कि उन्होंने कुलदेवी या देवताओं के स्थान पर जाना ही नहीं छोड़ा बल्कि उनकी पूजा भी बंद कर दी है। लेकिन उनके पूर्वज और उनके देवता उन्हें बराबर देख रहे होते हैं। यदि किसी को अपने कुलदेवी और देवताओं के बारे में नहीं मालूम है, तो उन्हें अपने बड़े-बुजुर्गों, रिश्तेदारों या पंडितों से पूछकर इसकी जानकारी लेना चाहिए। यह जानने की कोशिश करना चाहिए कि झडूला, मुंडन संकार आपके गोत्र परंपरानुसार कहां होता है या 'जात' कहां दी जाती है। यह भी कि विवाह के बाद एक अंतिम फेरा (5, 6, 7वां) कहां होता है?

कहते हैं कि कालांतर में परिवारों के एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थानों पर स्थानांतरित होने, धर्म परिवर्तन करने, आक्रांताओं के भय से विस्थापित होने, जानकार व्यक्ति के असमय मृत होने, संस्कारों का क्षय होने, विजातीयता पनपने, पाश्चात्य मानसिकता के पनपने और नए विचारों के संतों की संगत के ज्ञानभ्रम में उलझकर लोग अपने कुल खानदान के कुलदेवी और देवताओं को भूलकर अपने वंश का इतिहास भी भूल गए हैं। खासकर यह प्रवृत्ति शहरों में देखने को ज्यादा मिलती है।

ऐसा भी देखने में आया है कि कुल देवी-देवता की पूजा छोड़ने के बाद कुछ वर्षों तक तो कोई खास परिवर्तन नहीं होता, लेकिन जब देवताओं का सुरक्षा चक्र हटता है तो परिवार में घटनाओं और दुर्घटनाओं का दौर शुरू हो जाता है, उन्नति रुकने लगती है, गृहकलह, उपद्रव व अशांति आदि शुरू हो जाती हैं। आगे वंश नहीं चल पाता है। पिताद्रोही होकर व्यक्ति अपने वंश को नष्ट कर लेता है!

Friday, February 2, 2018



Understanding of Naived


BHATIA COMMUNITY / families and Hindus around the world would do Naived (a small Havan) during the NAVRATRI AND Diwali festival.  Diwali Naived, depending on the individual’s family tradition, is normally performed on Kali Chaudas and Diwali. The most popular day is on Kali Chaudas (the day before the Diwali) when Naived is offered to Kuldevi.

The ritual on how to perform Naived at home had been traditionally passed on from parents to children and they in turn pass it to their children. Families will then follow the same ritual as were taught by their parents or grand parents

However today younger generation do ask inquisitive questions and would like to know the reasons behind doing such Naived. Some times the parents themselves would find it difficult to explain the reasons as they been following the ritual  learnt from their own parents and grandparents.

I hope this information would help to understand more about the significance of Naived. I am by no means an authority to write on Religion or the Religious ceremony.  I am writing this from what I understand of Naived by RECORDS reading our BHATIA’S COMMUNITY MAHAJAN Barot’s and various religious books. Please take this as just a general guide and hope members will find this informative and useful

Origin of Naived

Although Naived is performed for the past many thousand of years, the origins of rituals are normally lost. The main reason for this origin being lost is the absence of a written language during the tribal stage and due to the absence of a written language, ideas had to be passed on from generation to generation by means of oral narration. The rituals of Naived vary greatly according to the individual family’s tradition, so would be best to take advice from your family elders.

We worship following deities when we perform Naived:-


Mataji is represented as the benevolent Mother where she is the personification of eternal peace. Prayers are offered to 'Maa' who is the manifestation of the absolute energy that pervades the universe. She has the ability to generate life. Hindus believe that the Maa stands for everything that is everywhere in the universe. Maa as the Universal Energy is worshipped.

From the canons of Hinduism -

Maa Lakshmi – Goddess for wealth. As Laxmi She is abundance. Not only material, but of Air, Land, Space etc

Maa Durga – Goddess for Strength.  'Durga' sitting on a Lion, she is a manifestation of 'Shakti' or the primordial energy. The power to breathe, walk, digest etc, comes from Ma Durga.

Maa Saraswati - Goddess for knowledge. She is the 'OM', from where all sound emanates.

Hindus have always believed in worshipping Mataji. Thus different forms of the Ultimate Power are revered on different occasions.

You need to check ‘Ancestral Tree’ to understand the significance of Naived and family lineage. To open the tree Click Parajiya AmboEach family needs to know their Kurdevi, Devta, etc. to perform Naived. These details is available by following  the ancestral tree - Ambo.

Kurdevi (family deity)

Hindu religion has given thousands of names for Gods and Goddesses. Each group has its own deity whom they worship. Thus Kurdevi is generally identified as a family deity playing a vital role within a community. These deities are worshipped in the temples as well at home.  

BHATIA COMMUNITY’S that includes Kutchhi,Halai,Kanthi,Pavrai,Navgaam,Pachhishgaam,JeshalmerBhatia And Thathhai Bhatia’s.believe and pray to Kuldevis (family deities) like Mahalaxmi, Shikotar/Wahaanvati, Harshidhhi,Ashapura,Saptashrungi, Momai Mata, Tulja Bhavani,  Khodiyar, Hingraj, Wagheswari, Ambaji/Ambika, Maha Kali, Bhawani, Chamunda, Hans Vahni, Bahucharaji,  Raandal, Jwalamukhi and Vinjan.

Each family has their own kurdevi.  Cow’s Pure Ghee Sukhadi or Lapsi is offered in the Naived for Kurdevi.

 ISTDEVS -  Thus BHATIA COMMUNITY’S ManyKuldevis and Kuldevta.But  There is Only One istdevs –Shreenath ji @ Shri Krishna  - (perceived as the avtars (reincarnation) of God) All these deities’ temples are located in various towns and villages in India.

Hinduism believes in the concept of noble soul or devta. This means that any individual, through his karma, can be regarded as a noble soul, worthy of worship by a group of his followers. This has further resulted in the concept of Kuldevatas where every clan has its own deity. This is a kind of ancestor worship. Some of the Kuldevtas in Bhatia Community’s are Surdeem ji, etc. If your Kuldevta is Surdeemji,Sukhadee/Gol Paapdee is normally offered in the Naived Ritual if your Kuldevta/Istdev  Dariyalal, loose ‘Churmu’ is normally offered in the Naived ritual.

Kshetrapal Nagdevta - Kshetrapala,Khetarpaal,Naagdada protector of the region

Kshetrapal is an important deity, which literally means the guard of the region. There are various legends on the origin of this deity.

The Naag (Serpent) culture was fairly widespread in India before the Aryan migration, and continues to be an important sect in certain areas. After coming to India, the Indo-Aryans incorporated the worship of snakes (Naag) into Hinduism. The festival is especially dedicated to the Shesh Naag, who comforts the protector of the entire existence, Lord Vishnu.


Another legend speaks of Kaliya, the snake that inhabited the waters of the River Yamuna, whose venom was so vile that it poisoned the river and killed the crops and animals in the region. Bhagwan Krishna, one of Vishnu's avatars, killed Kaliya and liberated the people. That is why Naag Panchami has been celebrated ever since. The origin of snake worship goes back to Ram antiquity. The propitiation of the serpent god is considered essential to the well-being and prosperity of the family and Talvat (from sesame seeds) is offered in the Naived for Kshetrapal.

Sati Mata

According to the Hindu mythology, in the Srimad Bhagwatam, Goddess Maa Sati, first consort and devotee of Lord Shiv, immolated herself in the yagna, holy sacrificial fire, when her father Daksh insulted her husband Lord Shiv.  Kheer (rice soup) and rotli is offered in the Naived for Sati Mata.

Hingraj Mataji

According to the legend, Hingraj Mataji taught us to become jewellers. Parajiya Soni Community came into being because of Hinraj Mataji. For further readings on Hingraj Mataji, please refer to our Parajiya History. We offer Savories like ‘puri’ in the Naived

Lord Hanuman

Lord Hanuman, also called Mahaveera (the great hero) or Pavan-suta (son of air) or Bajarangbali is a noble hero and great devotee of Lord Rama. He is a provider of courage, hope, knowledge, intellect and devotion. He is pictured holding a mace (gada), which is a sign of bravery. Devotees pray to Hanuman to protect them from material obstacles in the path of devotional service and engage them in the service of the Supreme Bhagwan Ram. 

According to legend Hanuman was given a very big ‘vada’ made from Urud Daal by His mother on the eve of His departure to Lanka for the war so Lord Hanuman could eat out of this vada little by little whenever He felt hungry.
Incidentally, Urud daal, the chief ingredient, is also offered to appease Rahu, the significator of abnormal fears and snake curse etc Lord Hanuman is known for his strength and benevolence He provides his protection to everyone who selects his bhakti.
 Lord Hanuman is worshipped with offerings of vada made from udad lentils in the Naived.


Our ancestors who died as a valiant warrior trying to save their villages from bandits, protecting honour of women – mother and sisters are called Surapara. Their rock memorials as ‘Surapura’ were erected where they fell and died. These memorials of our defenders and valiant warriors are still existence in India.
These ancestral father-worships (Surapura) are of great importance to many Hindu communities. Wherever possible, the newly weds symbolic knot or  the wedding knot, ‘cheda-chedi’ which was tied at the 'mandap' during the Hindu wedding ceremony is opened after doing Nived at their family’s Surapura memorial to take their ancestral father’s blessings.
  Rice is offered to our Surapura in the Naived ritual

 ‘Naived’ or Offering to a deity has always been a significant part of our culture.

Hindus have favorite Gods and Goddesses or Ishta Devatas, Kurdevis to whom they call upon to help, guide and protect them and help them face unexplainable hurdles in life.

A more direct form of ancestor-worship is the ‘Naived’ performed by Hindus during a particular period. Parajiya Sonis worship and do Naived to such deities.

Dishes for Nived


Ritual description as to what is Required?


Lapsi for Kurdevi


Kheer (rice soup) and rotli for Sati Mata


Rice for Surapura dada


Savories (puri)  for Hingraj Mataji


Sweet Buns / Maal Puwa (Pudla) for Shikotar Mataji


Talvat (from sesame seeds) for Khystrapal Nag Devta


Hotchpotch (khichdi) for Khetaliya dada


Vada made from Urud Daal for Hanuman


Loose Churmu – for Dariyalal (only for those whose Istdev is Dariyalal)

As mentioned earlier, this information should be used only as a general guide. Food for nived varies with each family. Families do not need to use all the above food for Naived. Each has its own traditions. So is better to follow each family’s traditional ritual.

Portions for Naived: - In the old days of joint nuclear family when 35-40 family members used to live together under one roof, the portions of each dish used to be large. Now with the break of such joint family, the portion of each dish should be prepared according to the number of family members. One needs to ensure that the dishes are carefully prepared with love and devotion.  The amount of food should not be prepared in excess amount. As this blessed food is later retrieved after the nived and consumed so must not be wasted

Ritual of Naived

The heart of every Hindu home is its shrine: the sacred space set for honouring and worshiping the Gods. The rituals are always meant to inculcate feelings of devotion and to bring about the divine orientation of human life.

The Nived that take place in the household shrine are the foundation of all family actions and decisions.  The size and decoration of a household shrine do not matter.  The shrine may be large and impressive, an entire room or a beautifully designed edifice, or it may be simply a tiny niche, or even just a row of religious prints pasted on a wall.

The children in the house grow up following family beliefs and are encouraged to participate in the Nived ceremony as they will find it personally inspiring.  One or more family members on behalf of the whole family usually perform Nived at the household shrine. During the performance of the nived, offerings are made to different deities as mentioned above. The simplest form of nived is the domestic ritual performed by the householder who would offer simple oblation into the sacred fire lit in his house and pouring of offerings into them little bits of the food mentioned above, invoking various gods and deities.


Since this article is just a general guide, many would not be able to understand the terminology of deities and rituals fully. We hope to write in detail as we develop this website. Meanwhile please do follow the ritual with faith and devotion.

A shrine for the nived will normally include following deities: Photograph of Maa Kurdevi ( If photo of Kurdevi is unavailable then use Ambe Maa ), Mataji’s Trishul (trident of Shiva), coconut, fruits and flowers. Dhoop / Lobaan Prepared food for nived is placed near the shrine.

Ten  (some families make nine) morsels of puris are placed in a large dish. Each morsel consists of a heap of nine  (some families keep seven) puris and one vada on top of each heap. A cup shaped diva with four corners, made from wheat flour is placed on top of each heap. Each diva will have wick wet with only Cow’s ghee in each of the four corners.

Coconut milk is extracted in a glass. Seven pieces from the cracked coconut are placed in front of the Mataji photo and a bit of food from each prepared dish is placed on top of these coconut pieces to signify our offerings to the deities. All wicks on the ten morsels are now lighted. When lighted, there will be ten morsels with four wicks lit making it a beautiful forty diva arti thali.

Aarti is the beautiful ceremony in which divas flames are offered to Mataji. Aarti is performed to God, in any manifestation, any form, by any name. The essence of the aarti ceremony is that all day long God offers us light - the light of the sun, the light of life, the light of His (Her) blessings. Aarti is a time when we say "thank you," and we offer back the light of our thanks, the light of our love and the light of our devotion.

We realise that the small diva is nothing compared to the divine light, which shines on us all day. So, aarti is a ceremony of humility, a time in which we acknowledge that "God, you are everything. I am nothing. All day you shine upon the world. All I can offer you is this small diva, a flame that will be blown out by the passing wind. But, I offer it with devotion and with love. Please accept my offering."

The family members then chants arti and pray to Mataji. Sing Mataji ni Aarti together

Also click to read Aarti - Navratri Special

After performing the arti and bowing to Maa, many families also perform a ritual of going out in the open or in the back garden and throw four ‘vada’ in each direction. The significance of this is that it will keep away any domestic or family problems and bring Peace in the family.
Why do we offer SAMAGARI / food to the Lord or Deities before eating it?
Hindus make an offering of SAMAGARI/ food to the Mataji, devtas and devis and later partake of it as prashad - a holy gift from our Lord. We offer nived/SAMAGARI (food) to the Kurdevi. What we receive in life as a result of our actions is really our Maa. We acknowledge this through the act of offering food to our Kurdevi, Istdev, Pitru Dev(for Late fathers/Mothers ,Grand Fathers/Grand Mothers) and other deities.

By performing these sacred acts the worshiper creates a relationship with the divine through his or her emotions and senses. Family members bow before Mataji, sip coconut water as Prashad, and receive a portion of cooked food. This food and water are now considered blessed by the deities.

Love and joy come to Hindu families who do nived and worship to her and ooze profound boons, blessings and Ashirvad. With Her kind blessings the distress, sufferings, misfortunes, miseries and uncalled for troubles will vanish ever for and the success will become your pleasant companion at every step of life.

After offering the food thus, it is eaten as prashad - blessed food.

I hope the above information have enlightened you about the significance of Naived.

The essence of Naived is to maintain the feeling of surrender and dedication to Mataji and will fill our lives with knowledge, understanding, devotion and love.  The mental calm and tranquillity one experience after performing Naived is to be experienced to believe it.

May Mataji fill your lives with love and happiness

Jai Mataji