ભાટિયા જ્ઞાતિ ના કુળદેવી, ગોત્ર અને વંશ
ભાટિયા જ્ઞાતિ ના કુળદેવી, ગોત્ર અને વંશ(દુતિયા / ધુતીઆ / પુરેચા / પોરેચા અટક ધરાવતાં ભાટિયા જ્ઞાતિ બન્ધુ )
ગૌત્ર: દરેક ગૌત્રના બે પ્રકાર હોય છે
1. મુળ લોહી ગૌત્ર – જે યજ્ઞ, લગ્ન પ્રસંગે બોલાય છે , તે ઋષિ ગૌત્ર ના નામે ઓળખાય છે
2. વંશ ગૌત્ર – યદુવંશ માંથી જે અટક ની શાખા અલગ પડે છે તે વંશ ગૌત્ર કહેવાય છે.
3. વાયેણી -કાળા વસ્ત્ર નહિ પહેરવા,સ્ત્રી મહિલા માટે કેશ કર્તન વર્જિત /વાયેણી
4.નવપરણિત સુવાવડી ના નવજાત શિશુ નું ઘોડિયું પિયર થી હોય...વગેરે ..
જ્ઞાતિ - ભાટિયા
વંશ - ચન્દ્રવંશ
કુળ પરમ્પરા - યદુવંશ
કુળ દેવી - સિકોતેર માં (વહાણવટી માં /હરસિધ્ધિ માં )
કુળ દેવતા - લક્ષ્મી નાથજી
ઇષ્ટ દેવતા - શ્રીકૃષ્ણ
સુરા પુરાદાદા - સુરદીમજી અને ખેતર પાળ
વેદ - યજુર્વેદ
ગોત્ર - સાણસ
છત્ર - મેઘાડમ્બરઃ
ધ્વજ - ભગવો પીળો
ઢોલ - ભંવર
પુરોહિત ગોર મહારાજ - પુષ્કર્ણા બ્રાહ્મણ
નદી - યમુનાજી
પૂજનીય છોડ - તુલસીજી
પૂજનીય વૃક્ષ - પીપળો, વડ અને ઉમરો (કદમ્બ )
રાગ - માંડ
માળા - વૈજન્તી
કંઠી - તુલસી
મંત્ર ઉપાસના - ગાયત્રી મંત્ર
નિત્ય અભિવાદન - જયશ્રીકૃષ્ણ /જયગોપાલ /જયજય શ્રીગોકુલેશ..
ધર્મ ગ્રન્થ - શ્રીમદ ભગવદ ગીતાજી
ધર્મ - વૈષ્ણવ સંપ્રદાય
બાલમોળા /મુંડન વિધિ - માતાજીના દેવસ્થાનની ધજાજી હેઠળ..
જનોઈ /યજ્ઞોપવિત - સનતાંન ની ઉંમર એકી રકમ જેમકે પાંચ ,સાત, નવ,અગિયાર .
ગૌદાન અને ગૌપૂજન નું મહત્વ જીવનમાં સહુથી વધુ.
નગારું - અગન જ્યોત ( એક પ્રકારનો ઢોલ નગારું ) યુદ્ધ ના સમયે ઢોલ સાથે ઘોડેસવારી અશક્ય હોય એટલે તેને બે ભાગ માં વહેંચી નગારા નું સ્વરૂપ અપાયું હતું ,રણ ભૂમિ પર નગારા વગાડી યુદ્ધ ના શ્રી ગણેશ કરાતા હતા.
પુષ્પ - પારિજાત ,કમળ અને ચૈતી ગુલાબ .
જયારે કોઇ ૫ણ ધાર્મિક કાર્ય કે અન્ય પ્રસંગે આપણને ગોર મહારાજ -બ્રાહ્મણ દ્વારા કુળદેવી કે ગોત્રનું પૂછવામાં આવે છે ત્યારે આ૫ણા સમાજના ઘણા ૫રિવારોમાં ખબર ન હોવાના કારણે દ્વિધામાં મુકાય છે. કુળદેવી, ગોત્ર કે વંશ બાબત વિસંગતતા પ્રવર્તે છે.કલિયુગમાં મનુષ્યો દેવીનું પૂજન કરે છે. કારણ કે તેઓ ‘સર્વ કામ વરેશ્વરી’ અને “સર્વ કામ વર પ્રદા” છે. આ કારણોસર કલિયુગમાં મનુષ્યો દેવી પૂજા કરે છે.
કલિયુગના જીવો લાભ વિના કશું કરતા નથી અને દેવી પૂજા દ્વારા કલિયુગના મનુષ્યોની સર્વ કામનાઓ પૂર્ણ થાય છે તથા સર્વ સંતાપો દુર થાય છે. દેવીઓની પાસે પોતાની ઈચ્છાપૂર્તિની જે અપેક્ષા રાખશે તે અપેક્ષાઓ કુળ દેવી - માતાજી અનેક નામો અને અનેક રૂપો ધારણ કરીને પૂરી કરશે તેથી કુળ દેવી પૂજાનો પ્રવાહ ચાલતો જ રહેશે અને તેઓના સ્થાનકો પ્રતિષ્થિત થશે.હવે જેમ કે ભાટિયા કુળ ના ગોત્ર -સાણસ (શાંડિલ્ય પ્રવર )દુતિયા /ધુતીયા /પુરેચા /પોરેચા નુખના કુળદેવી શ્રી સિકોતર માંતા છે,સિકોતેર માતા હરસિદ્ધિ માં ,હર્શલ, હર્ષદ, હર્ષત્, સિકોતેર અને વહાણવટી માતા જેવા નામો દ્વારા ઓળખાય છે. તેઓ ભગવાન શ્રીકૃષ્ણના કુળદેવી પણ છે.
શ્રી હરસિદ્ધિ માતા મંદિર નો ઇતિહાસ*
દેવભૂમિ દ્વારકા જિલ્લામાં આવેલા કલ્યાણપુર તાલુકાના હર્ષદ (ગોંધવી) મુકામે આવેલાં હરસિદ્ધિ માતાના મંદિરનું અનેરું મહાત્મ્ય છે. આ મંદિર દરિયા કિનારાની પાસે આવેલા એક પર્વત પર બનેલું છે, જે કોયલા ડુંગર તરીકે પ્રસિદ્ધ છે. કોયલા ડુંગરની ટોચે અને ડુંગરની તળેટીમાં એમ બંને જગ્યાએ માતાજીનાં મંદિરો છે, જેનાં દર્શન કરી દરરોજ હજારો ભક્તો કૃતકૃત્ય થાય છે. આ બંને મંદિરો સાથે પૌરાણિક કથાઓ જોડાયેલી છે. હરસિદ્ધિ માં ને હર્શલ, હર્ષદ, હર્ષત્, સિકોતેર અને વહાણવટી માતા જેવા નામો દ્વારા ઓળખાય છે. તેઓ ભગવાન શ્રીકૃષ્ણના કુળદેવી પણ છે.
*શ્રી હરસિદ્ધિ માતા ની પ્રાગટ્ય કથા*
શ્રીકૃષ્ણ ભગવાનનાં કુળદેવી કહેવાતાં હરસિદ્ધિ માતાનું કોયલા ડુંગર પર પ્રાગટ્ય કેવી રીતે થયું તેની કથા એવી છે કે બેટદ્વારકામાં રહેતા રાક્ષસ શંખાસુરને હણવા માટે ભગવાન શ્રીકૃષ્ણએ તેમનાં કુળદેવી હરસિદ્ધિ માતાની કોયલા ડુંગર પાસે પૂજા-અર્ચના કરી. શ્રીકૃષ્ણની ભક્તિથી પ્રસન્ન થયેલી માતા કોયલા ડુંગર પર પ્રગટ થયાં અને શ્રીકૃષ્ણને કહ્યું કે તમે તો ત્રિભુવનના નાથ છો, સર્વશક્તિમાન છો, છતાં મને કેમ યાદ કરી? ત્યારે શ્રીકૃષ્ણએ માતાને વિનંતી કરી કે બેટદ્વારકામાં રહેતા રાક્ષસ શંખાસુરને હણવા માટે મારે તમારી સહાયતાની જરૂર છે. માતાજીએ વચન આપ્યું કે ‘જ્યારે તમે છપ્પનકોટિ યાદવો સાથે શંખાસુરને હણવા જશો ત્યારે દરિયાકિનારે ઊભા રહીને મારું સ્મરણ કરશો ત્યારે હું તમને મદદ કરવા આવી પહોંચીશ.
માતાજીના આશીર્વચન પ્રાપ્ત થતાં છપ્પનકોટિ યાદવો અને શ્રીકૃષ્ણએ મળીને કોયલા ડુંગરની ટોચ પર હરસિદ્ધિ માતાનું સ્થાપન કર્યું. કોયલા ડુંગરની ટોચ પર આવેલા મંદિરે જવા માટે ૪૦૦ જેટલાં પગથિયાં છે અને ઉપર પહોંચીને દર્શન કરનારને માતાજીનાં દર્શનની સાથે પ્રકૃતિનું પણ અનેરું સ્વરૂપ જોવા મળે છે, કારણ કે તળેટીમાં અરબી સમુદ્ર દ્રષ્ટિમાન થાય છે. ટોચ પરથી માતાજી નીચે કેવી રીતે આવ્યાં તેની પણ પૌરાણિક કથા ભારે રસપ્રદ છે.
એક એવી લોકવાયકા હતી કે દરિયામાં વેપારઅર્થે નીકળતાં વહાણ જ્યારે કોયલા ડુંગર પાસે માતાજીના મંદિરની સન્મુખ આવે ત્યારે તેમનું સ્મરણ કરીને દરિયામાં નાળિયેર પધરાવવું પડતું, જેથી તેમની આગળની મુસાફરી નિર્વિઘ્ને પાર પડે. એકવાર કચ્છના વેપારી જગડુશા તેમનાં સાત વહાણોમાં માલ ભરીને વેપારઅર્થે દરિયો ખેડવા નીકળ્યા પરંતુ તેઓ માતાજીની સન્મુખ આવતા આહુતિ આપવાનું ભૂલી ગયા એટલે તેમનાં છ વહાણ ડૂબી ગયાં. સાતમું વહાણ બચાવી લેવા માટે જગડુશાએ માતાજીને ભાવભરી પ્રાર્થના કરી, જેનાથી માતાજી પ્રસન્ન થયાં અને વરદાન માગવા કહ્યું. તે જ સમયે જગડુશાએ કહ્યું કે ‘માતાજી તમે ડુંગરની ટોચ પરથી તળેટીમાં પધારો અને આજ પછી કોઈનાં વહાણ ડૂબે નહીં તેવું કરો.
માતાજીએ જગડુશાની કસોટી કરવા માટે કહ્યું કે ‘જો તું દરેક પગથિયે મને બલિ ચઢાવે તો હું નીચે આવું. જગડુશાએ માતાજીની શરત માન્ય રાખી અને દરેક પગથિયે એક-એક પશુનો બલિ આપતા ગયા, પણ છેલ્લાં ચાર પગથિયાં બાકી હતાં ત્યારે બલિ ખૂટી ગયા એટલે જગડુશાએ પોતાના દીકરા, બે પત્નીઓનો બલિ આપ્યો અને છેલ્લા પગથિયે પોતાનો બલિ આપ્યો. આખરે માતાજી તેમની ભક્તિથી પ્રસન્ન થયાં અને જગડુશા, તેમનો દીકરો, બંને પત્નીઓ તથા તમામ બલિઓને સજીવન કર્યા અને જગડુશાએ માતાજીનું મંદિર ડુંગરની તળેટીમાં બંધાવ્યું. આજે પણ આ મંદિરનું ભારે મહાત્મ્ય છે.
બીજી પણ એક લોકવાયકા એવી છે કે મહારાજા વિક્રમાદિત્યે તપશ્ચર્યા કરીને દેવીને પ્રસન્ન કર્યા અને તેમને પોતાની સાથે ઉજજૈન લઈ ગયાં.આમ માતાજીનો વાસ દિવસ દરમ્યાન ઉજજૈનના હરસિદ્ધ મંદિરમાં અને રાત્રી દરમ્યાન દ્વારકા જીલ્લાના હરસિદ્ધ મંદિરમાં હોય છે. માતાજી અહી પધારે તે વખતે હિંડોળાનો અવાજ થાય ત્યાર બાદ જ આરતી કરવામાં આવે છે અને ત્યારબાદ જ દર્શન થાય છે.
બંન્ને મંદિરોના મુખ્ય પીઠ પર સરખા મંત્ર તેમ જ પાછળથી દેવીની મૂર્તિઓ લગભગ સરખી છે. હરસિદ્ધ માતાનું મંદિર માત્ર સમચોરસ ગર્ભગૃહનું બનેલું છે. તેની દીવાલો તદ્દન સાદી છે. તેની રચનામાં ભૂમિ સમાંતર થર છે. જે ટોંચે પહોંચતા પહોંચતા સાંકડા બનતા જાય છે તે તેની ખાસીયત છે. મંદિરના શિખર ઉપરની અણિયારી ટોચ જો કે આજે અસ્તિત્વ ધરાવતી નથી, આ મંદિર ટેકરીની ટોચે આવેલું છે. અત્યારે જે મંદિર છે તે લગભગ બારમાં શૈકામાં બનેલું હોય તેવું માનવામાં આવી રહ્યું છે.
હરસિદ્ધિ મંદિરની બારશાખને સુંદર અને સુશોભિત કરેલી છે.બારશાખમાં દેવદે વીઓની તકતી શિલ્પમાં ધ્યાન ખેંચે છે.દ્વારસાખ ઉંપર પણ તક્તીઓ ધ્યાન ખેંચે તેવી છે. અત્યારે દરિયાની ખારી હવાને લીધે શિલ્પનો નીચેનો કેટલોક ભાગ તૂટેલો જણાય છે મંડપમાં ચાર ખૂણામાં ચાર અને બાકીના આઠ થાંભલા ઉપર મંડપ રચાયો હોય તેવું જણાય છે.તેથી તો આ મંદિર પુરાતત્વવિદોને પણ આકર્ષિત કરે તેવું છે.
*હરસિદ્ધિ માતા પરમાર રાજપુતો, ત્રિવેદી ભૂદેવો અને બીજા ઘણા બધા કુટુંબમાં કુળદેવી તરીકે પૂજાય છે*. તેમનામાં શ્રદ્ધા ધરવતા અનેક લોકો તેમની માનતા માને છે. અને બાધા ઉતરાવવા માટે આ સ્થળે આવે છે. તેથી આ મંદિરનું જેટલું ધાર્મિક મહત્વ રહેલું છે તેટલું જ તેના દરિયા કિનારાનું આકર્ષણ રહેલુ છે.અહિનો દરિયા કિનારો ખૂબ જ નયનરમ્ય છે.મંદિરની પાછળ એક કિલોમીટર દુર સુધી રેતીવાળો છીછરો દરિયા કિનારો જોવા મળે છે. આમ આ મંદિર પ્રવાસન સ્થળ તરીકે પણ જોવામાં આવે છે.
ભાટિયા જ્ઞાતિમાં સંસ્કૃત બતાવ્યા પ્રમાણે એકંદરે સાત (7) ગોત્રો છે.અને 84
નુખો છે તે નીચે પ્રમાણે છે ..
Gajaria, Panchlodia, Paleja, Gagla, Soni, Sofla, Jia, Mogia, Dhadha, Rika, Jigna, Kodhia, Radia, Kajaria, Sijiwali, Jalala, Malan, Dhewa, Dhiren, Jaiyati, Niya, Koa.
Sanas (Sandiliya Pravar):
Dutia, Dhutia, Purecha, Porecha, Jab, Babla, Sukhdi, Dhawan, Vanda, Udeshi, Vadhhuch, Belai, Dhega, Kanthia
Haria, Padamshi, Media, Jiwa, Thula, Tambod, Lajavanta, Thakar, Bhuderia, Mota, Unegar, Sothia, Poda, Modia, Dhadhal, Devchandra, Asher.
Sapat(Sampat), Chachia, Nagra, Babla, Pramla, Potha, Poddhaga, Mathura.
Ved, Suraiya, Gokulgandhi, Nayagandhi, Panchal, Farasgandhi, Paregandhi, Jujargandhi, Prema, Bibal, Powar.
Ramaiya, Pawar, Raja, Parajia, Gurugulab, Karatari, Dhadher, Kukad.
Multani, Chamuja, Daiya, Karangota, Kajia.
હેતે લખિયે કંકોતરી રે લોલ
હેતે લખિયે કંકોતરી રે લોલ
હેતે લખિયે કંકોતરી રે લોલ
હેતે લખિયે કંકોતરી રે લોલ
લખિયે રૂડાં કુળદેવીના નામ કે
કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
હે તમે કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
હે તમે કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
અવસર આવ્યો છે રૂડો આંગણે રે લોલ
લગનના કંઈ વાગે રૂડા ઢોલ જો
કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
હે તમે કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે
લગનના કંઈ વાગે રૂડા ઢોલ જો
કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
હે તમે કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે
લોલ સુખડના મંડપ રોપાવિયા રે લોલ
બાંધ્યા બાંધ્યા લીલુડા તોરણ જો
કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
હે તમે કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
બાંધ્યા બાંધ્યા લીલુડા તોરણ જો
કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
હે તમે કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
આવીને અવસર ઉજાળજો રે લોલ
બાલુડાને આપજો આશિષ કે
કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
હે તમે કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
બાલુડાને આપજો આશિષ કે
કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
હે તમે કુળદેવી માત વેલા આવજો રે લોલ
દેવસ્થાન નું મુળ કારણ શિવ અને શક્તિરૂપે પૂજા કરવાનું છે. શિવ ના અંશરૂપે શેષનાગ, ભૈરવ, બળદેવજી, ક્ષેત્રપાળ , ખેતરપાળ ના નામે ઓળખાય છે. આની સાથે એક સામાજિક વ્યવસ્થા સમાએલી છે. ક્ષેત્રપાળ જે કુટુંબ દેશાંતર કરી નવા પ્રદેશ માં પોતાના દેવસ્થાન ની સ્થાપના કરે તે છે. ૧૦૦-૨૦૦-૫૦૦ વર્ષ પોતાનો પરિવાર અલગ અલગ વિભાગે ફેલાતો જાય ત્યારે ફરી દેવસ્થાન ઉપર મળી પોતાના ભાઈ ઓ ને ઓળખતા – જાણતા રહે તે હેતુ પણ છે.
આધશક્તિ એ જે જે સ્વરૂપે સહાય કરી તે કુળદેવી તરીકે અલગ અલગ નામે પૂજાય છે. કુળદેવતા તરીકે ઘણા પરિવાર દરિયાલાલ, ઘણીબાબા કે પઠાપીર વગેરે ને પૂજે છે જે આં અલગ અલગ વંશાવળી માં ઉલ્લેખ છે તે મુજબ ભગવાન શ્રીકૃષ્ણ આપણી સમગ્ર જ્ઞાતિ ના ઇષ્ટ દેવ છે. ઘણીબાબા, પઠાપીર કે પોતાના કુળદેવી સિવાય ના માતાજી ને પૂજે છે તેનું કારણ બાળક ના થવાનાં કારણે કે અન્ય કારણે માનતા રાખી હોય અને સરૂળ થાય છે ત્યારે તેને કાયમી ધોરણે પૂજે છે. પરંતુ હાલ આં અંગે એક સ્પષ્ટતા છે કે હાલે જે જેને દેવસ્થાન તરીકે પૂજતા હોય તે પૂજા ચાલુ રાખી શકે છે. પરંતુ ક્ષેત્રપાળ તથા કુળદેવી ની પૂજા કરવાની પણ જરૂરત છે જ.
જેઓ ને પોતાના દેવસ્થાનો ની ખબર ન હોય તે માટે નીચે ના ત્રણ રસ્તા છે.
૧. વંશાવળી જોવડાવી તેમાં પોતાનાથી આઠ – દસ પેઢી ના જે ભાઈઓ હોય તેમના નામ મેળવી તેઓના જે દેવસ્થાનો જ્યાં હોય તે પોતાના ગણાય.
2. કોઈપણ એક જ અટક ના દેવસ્થાન ગમે તે ગામે હોય પણ ઉપર થી ગોત્ર – કુળદેવી – ક્ષેત્રપાળ એક જ હોય તો ગામે પોતાની અટકનાં દેવસ્થાન ઉપર જઈ શકે છે.
3. અથવા, ચંદન નાં કાષ્ટનાં નાગ સ્વરૂપે ક્ષેત્રપાળ તથા કુળદેવી ની મૂર્તિ ની સ્થાપના કરી તેમનું દેવસ્થાન સ્થાપી શકે.
નૈવેધ: અંગે એવી નોંધ મળે છે કે દરેક ભાઈઓએ ઓછામાં ઓછુ :-
1. આસો સુદ- ૮ના માતાજી ના નૈવેધ માં પુડલા મીઠા /માલપુવા /પૂરી , લાપસી/સુખડ઼ી
2. કાળી ચૌદસનાં ક્ષેત્રપાળનો તલપીંડો/તલવાટ , સફેદ અડદ ની દાળ ના વડા તથા મીઠાભાત નો નૈવેધ
3. તથા દર ચંદ્રના ( સુદબીજ ના ) પોતાના ઘરમાં કુળદેવતા – કુળદેવી નો ધૂપ કરવો જોઈએ.અને જોડ નારિયેળ વધેરવું ..
What is Kuldevi Maa...?
What is Kuldevi Maa...?
People believe in different matajis, Some times I wonder why we have got so many? I found out that when mataji came on to the earth she came in different forms and swaroops to help her bhakts and devotees that are troubled. The most well known mataji is Amba maa also known as Durga. There are thousands of devotees of Amba maa all around the world.Amba maa was created by Vishnus power, shivas Powerand Brahamas Power And the rest of the gods when maa had to fight mahisasur, only a women could kill him of his boon from Bhramaji. Each god gave her a weapon, Shiva gave the trishul and mala, Vishnu gave the conch shell and chakra and Brahamaji gave the flower and the sacred book. The himalayas gave her the beautiful tiger she has. We have so many matajis because when she came to earth she came in different avatars(avatars meaning forms) But theres only one mataji. Mataji only comes to the earth if there is evil taking over.Maa saves us from danger and protects us.
About Durga/ Amba mataji-
Durga is the truly multi-dimensional goddess.Durga has a variety of more or lessfearful fo s with different attributes. In her milder fo , she is known as parvarti(the mountain girl), Uma (the light),Himavati(daughter of the himalaya), Jagamata ( mother of the world),and bhavani( the goddess of the universe).In her terrible fo she is known as durga( the inaccessible), Kalika or shyama( the dark complexioned), Chandika or chandi ( the fearful one), and bhairavi(the terrible). All the fo s are broadly included within the name devi or maha devi( the great goddess).
So Who are these Evil demons like Mahishasur?Who are the Asuras or Rakshasas?
The Asuras are powerful beings, who are opposed to the Devas (gods) . Originally, in the vedic times, they were another class of gods, perhaps the indigenous deities. By the end of the Vedic period, however, the Asuras had attained their demonic role.
They are demons capabale of assuming the form of animals or humans. They are completely evil, powerful creatures that delight in spreading fear, confusion, chaos, and destruction among the humans. Sometimes they can even be more powerful than the gods.
Nav Durga
In Durga Saptshati, the Markandeya Purana depicts nine embodiments of the Goddess Durga.
1. Shailputri Another name for Parvati, the daughter of the King of Mountains. Shail means rock and Putri means daughter. Her main purpose was to become consort of Shiva. She is the mother of Ganesha and Kartike.
2. Brahmacharini The Goddess created by Lord Brahma, the celibate untouched Goddess who is the storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. She is worshipped through Japa and is the Goddess of attainment of supreme realization.
3. Chandraghanta This form is worshipped in Kanchipuram. She is the blissful and full of knowledge, showering boons with humility and peace like the rays of the moon. She is very close to her devotees and controls over their anger and protects them from danger.
4. Kushmanda The 4th form whose name traces from the Puranic commentaries of ancient sages. It is clearly mentioned in Yoga-Vasishtha that proclaim that reality of revealing the cosmic truth is found no further than within the human body. Goddess Kushmanda is the embodiment to unlock the key to knowledge of cosmic intricacies. Bhimaparvat is where this Kushmandas temple resides.
5. Skand Mata The great Sanscrit scholar Kalidas created his two masterpiece works Raghyvansh- Maha Kavya and Meghdoot by the grace of Skand Mata. She is the mother of Skand Kumar, a sage whose maternal consciousness encourages her devotees level of awareness and understanding to increase.
6. Katyayani The Goddes who stayed in the Ashram of sage Katyayan for penance (tapa). During this time she became the epithet of Parvati. She took upon herself the burden of the household, allowing other sages more free time to pursue spirituality. She became important in the scientific ages and with her educational mercy she appeared in a place called Vaid Nath where she resides.
7. Kalratri Destroyer of darkness and ignorance, the source and enemy of darkness. She devours fear and her darkness transcends everywhere protecting her devotees from danger. Her famous shrine is in Calcutta and Chandigarh. Kalratri is another name for the Goddess Kali.
8. Mahagauri The unsepeperable from Mahadev. This is the radiant and tranquil form of Goddess Parvati. She is the saviour of all virtuous men and women. She pardons sins of those who show them their true self. Her place of pilgrimage is at Kankhal near Haridwar.
9. Sidhidatri The 9th for of Maa Durga grants living beings accomplishments. She grants the eight super human facilities, so as a result of yogis effort in yoga of their endeavours. Her temple is located in Nanda Parvat in the Himalayas. The worship of all complete nine forms of Durga (Nav Durga) fulfils the accomplished desires of all devotees.
Goddess Saraswati is the Goddess of arts, music, knowledge, and wisdom. Saraswati is considered as the divine consort of Lord Brahma, the Creator of the universe. Goddess Saraswati is said to possess the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. Saraswati is regarded as the dispeller of chaos and confusion.Saraswati - the Consort of Brahma Lord Brahma is known for creating the universe. Since knowledge is required for creation, Maa Saraswati signifies the creative power of Brahma. An apt creation requires sound knowledge. The creation of Lord Brahma became fruitful with the knowledge provided by Goddess Saraswati.
Lakshmi- Lakshmi is Vishnu's Shakti, and follows him in each avatar.
Lakshmi goddess of beauty, fortune and prosperity. Gold coins are said to fall from her hands. Two white elephants, symbols of luck, accompany her. She is the Indian Aphrodite; she is the goddess of prosperity, purity, chastity and generosity. An aura of divine happiness and prosperity always exist around her. She is the Beauty, the Goodness.
Chotila Ni Chamunda maa
Chand and Munda- The form of Chamunda Mataji-The form of Ma Kali who emerged from the forehead of the angry face of the Mother killed the Asuras Chanda and Munda. Chanda means a person who is short-tempered and Munda means a shaven-headed man. Together they imply the anger of a champion fighter. Because of this victory over Chanda and Munda , Kali Mata is known as Chamunda.The other names of Chamunda Mataji are: Ran-chandi, chotilavali maa , Chamunda, mahisasur-mardini. The twin warrior goddesses, Chandi and Chamunda, represent a curious tradition in Hinduism of female warriors, often depicted in pairs, who ride together in battle defeating asuras and exhibiting extraordinary strength and prowess. Throughout India they are assigned different names in different traditionsDayamava-Durgamma in Karnataka, Chotila-Chamunda in Gujarat, Keliamma-Chamunda in Uttar Pradesh, etc.but the stories related to them are all very similar.Sri Chandi and Sri Chamunda are expansions of the goddess Durga and the story of their appearance is as follows: There were once two demons, Chanda and Munda, who performed great austerities for thousands of years in order to please Lord Brahma. After some time, Brahma appeared before them and they asked for the benediction to become great warriors, strong enough to rule the world and conquer heaven. Brahma granted the request but, because the two were demons, chaos quickly ensued. They became more and more greedy and even tried to violate the abodes of Brahma, Siva and Vishnu. It was agreed that Durga-devi should handle the matter, and the goddess expanded herself into two forms, Chandi and Chamunda, who fiercely fought against the demons and emerged victorious.Sri Chandi-Chamunda is said to be the embodiment of Durgas power and strength. The two deities assume fierce forms with large eyes, tridents in their hands, and ride a single lion together. They are dressed in red and green and adorned with flower garlands. There are temples to these twin goddesses scattered throughout India,a famous one is situated on the Chotila Hill in Gujarat. Festivals are celebrated during Durga-puja in the month of Ashvina (September-October).
Bhagwati Randal mataji
Randal mataji is mainly worshipped in Gujarat. Her shrine is in dadva or dadve. She is the mataji that gives sons. She is also known as dikra denari (in gujarati) The giver of eyes to the blind, the giver of children to the childless, the giver of wealth to the poor.Randal mataji is the daughter of Vishvakarma (the divine artificer, craftsman and smith).Vishvakarma bapa also has 4 sons; Luhar, Kumbhar, Suthar and Darji, thus; Randal mataji being the alone sister of these 4 brothers.Many castes worshipped Vishvakarma bhagwan as a fatherly figure and Randal mataji as their sister.Randal mataji is the "Gnath ni kuldevi" for Luhar,Kumbhar, and suthar and many more. For this reason, you may realise that as well as the majority of the surnames of Luhars and Kumbhars being the same, the kuldevis are also the same in accordance to their family name such as Chamunda mataji, Khodiyaar mataji and Balvi mataji. Randal mataji later married surya dev the sun god.
Randal mataji other names are: Ravi randal mataji, Randal maa, Rannade and Randal Aai.
Aai Shri Balvi Maa
Aai shri Balvi mataji was born in the charan Kul (family), she was born in Ujra gaam along with sisters Bahuchar Maa, Boot Maa and Ballad Maa. Her father is Bappal dev and mother is Deval Bai. Her grandfathers name is Jagdev and grandmothers name was Sonal de. Balvi mataji is often seen holding a trishul and talvaar and also seen with a sinh (lion) or a pado(buffalo). The most auspicious day to worship Balvi Mataji is a tuesday. Her nivedhs are done on three ausipicious days these are on nom(nineth) navratri of Aso maino(month),second Nived is done on a ceremony of Srimant(baby shower) and last one is done on the birth of a son in the family.
Shri Pithad Aai Maa
Shri Pithad aai mataji is soyaghadvis daughter, Soyagadhvi couldnt have children just like mamaiya ghadvi khodiyar matajis father, soya ghadvi and mamaya ghadvi were cousin brothers, Soya gadhvi pleaded shankar bhagwan that he could have children so shiva incarnated as a bhramin and gave soya ghadvi pithad aai mataji. She used to look after bulls and cows in her farm, and her vahan is a bull, Pithad aai mataji held a spier and did parcha to everybody to be a good person and not to do bad things, also helped the ill and the ones suffering. Click here for Aai Shri Pithadaai maas Story!
Aai Shri Khodiyar maa
Khodiyar mataji was one of the seven daughters of mamaiya gadhvi and his wife minal gadhvi.Khodiyar maas sisters are all joganis, her sisters which are popualry known are Avadaai mataji, Her cousin sister is Aai shri pithadaai maa.Khodiyar matajis real name is janbai, her sisters names are Avad, jogad,togad,holbaai,sosaai,bheejbai,janbai and one brother mehrak.Khodiyar maas weapon is trishul, her vahan(animal) is crocodile. The best day to worship khodiyar mataji is Tuesday and her favourite prasad is lapsi.
Kaleshwari mataji
Kaleshwari matajis mandir is in uttarsanda near nadiad the panch gam region of gujurat (charotar) located amongst what use to be a jungle but now is an agriculturally flourishing area. This ancient mataji had been the Kuldevis of many locals of the gam and is the residing kul devi of Brahmins and kshtariyas (rajputs and darbars). Today many local patel also worship the goddesss. Many do a manta of torans with 5 coconuts and during norta there are many events held there including a havan on dashera which is the main day for the devi. The temple also has ambaji, mahakali and mahdevji alongside a small lake which holds water for local animals and other religious uses like the immersion of baby hair after a mundan which also commonly takes place at the temple. The goddess has other located temples in the south of India where she is known as Kalubai and resides there with lord mandeshwar in the Mandher Devi temple; here the idol of Kalubai sports two silver masks and silk finery. The masks are carried in a procession and the devi is given an annual sacrifice on the full moon day of here fair. In northern india another temple of kaleshwari devi on Kolhua hill which is quite distinctive and is known as " Akash Lochan"(Sky Eye). There are some ancient temples, the most important of which is a temple of ' Kali' known as 'Kauleshwari Devi' On Basant panchami and Ram navmi days, a large number of pilgrims flock to the hill top for worship. Sacrifice of goat in front of the temple is common.The temples is now a place of pilgrimage for the Hindus.
Phool jogani mataji other names are-Chhinnamastika (Chhinnamasta, Chinnamasta, Chinnamastika) - Goddess without a head
The goddess resident in Chintpurni is also known by this name. According to Markandeya Purana, goddess Chandi defeated the demons after a fierce battle but two of her yogini emanations (Jaya and Vijaya) were still thirsty for more blood. Goddess Chandi cut off her own head to quench Jaya and Vijaya�s thirst for more blood.
She is usually shown holding her own severed head in her hand, drinking one stream of blood spurting from the arteries in her neck, while at her side are two naked yoginis, each of whom drinks another stream of blood.
Chhinnamasta, the headless goddess, is the Great Cosmic Power who helps the sincere and devoted yogi to dissolve his or her mind, including all the preconceived ideas, attachments and habits into the Pure Divine Consciousness. Cutting off the head suggests the separation of the mind from the body, that is the freedom of the consciousness from the material confines of the physical body.
According to Puranic traditions, Chhinnamastika Devi will be protected by Shiva - Rudra Mahadev in the four directions. There are four Shiva temples - Kaleshwar Mahadev in the east, Narayhana Mahadev in the west, Muchkund Mahadev in the north and Shiva Bari in the south - which are nearly equidistant from Chintpurni. This also confirms Chintpurni as the abode of Chhinnamastika Devi.
The Dash Mahavidhyas-(Ten Mahavidhyas)
Goddess Kali holds the primary position among all the ten great learnings. There is a tale mentioned in the Kalika-Purana. Once the deities went to the Himalayas and eulogized the personifications of the illusions of the world (Mahamaya). According to the Purana this place was the hermitage of Sage Matang. Pleased by them, Bhagavati appeared in the form of Matang's mistress and asked as to whom were they eulogizing.
Instantly a divine appearance manifested from the body of that mistress, which was as dark as a Mountain in complexion.This divine appearance herself answered on behalf of the deities that these deities are eulogizing me. Since the complexion of that divine appearance was black like a collyrium she was given the name of KALI .
Though Tara & Kali are same yet their complexions are different. Kali complexion is dark whereas Tara complexion is blue. Tara killed the demon 'Hayagreeva'. She has Lord Shiva lying under her feet like a corpse. Her bluish complexion's beauty is magnified manifold by her three eyes, which appear like a blue lotus flowers. In her four hands she has a scissors, a head (skull), a lotus flower and an axe. She wears tiger's skin on her body, and has a necklace of skulls around her neck. She is considered to be very violent in nature, but her eagerness to shower blessings on the devotee is infallible too. So she is the most merciful. Tara or Ugratara is worshipped for the attainment of powers of speech, pleasures and even salvation. She is also worshipped for the destruction of enemies. Tara is worshipped in the night and is an another appearance of Shakti. She is considered to be the ruler and presider of miraculous effects and accomplishments.
She is called Shodashi because she possesses all the sixteen Supernatural powers (Kala). Goddess Shodashi is the most enchanting beauty of all the ten great learnings. Shodashi, who has the mantra consisting of sixteen letters, has organs glowing like a rising sun. She has four hands and three eyes. She is seated on the lotus, which is placed on the body of Shiva who is lying in a peaceful posture. She has a noose, a hook, a bow and an arrow in each of her hands. Everyday to shower blessings on her devotees, her appearance is completely Somber & gentle and her heart is full of compassion. A devotee who takes her refuge achieves great divinity like the deities. In fact her splendors are indescribable. Even the Vedas are incapable of describing her greatness. Being pleased with her devotee she gives more than he demands.
The presiding of Mani-dwipa (name of a place) as described in Devi Bhagawat is an embodiment of the Mantra 'Hrillekha' (HRIM), Shakti and Maha Laxmi and also a companion of Lord Shiva in all of his divine activities and is called Goddess Bhuvaneshwari.
Goddess Bhuvaneshwari is the preeminent and a nurturer of the whole humanity. Her appearance is Somber and her complexion is red. She blesses her devotee by making him fearless and also help him in the accomplishment of all the powers. In the scriptures her greatness has been described in detail.
Tripura sundari
The methods for the worship of Tripura-Bhairavi have been described in the sacred texts for the attainment of victory over the sensual desires and all round development.
Tripura-Bhairavi who is also called Kala-Bhairavi is the presiding goddess of this decaying-world. Her complexion is red like the thousands of rising-sun, wears silken apparel and has a garland of heads around her neck. Her lips are marked with blood. She has three eyes and possesses a moon in her crown. She has a garland in her hand and is an embodiment of knowledge, fearlessness and boons. There is a soft smile on her lips.
Chinnmastika (Phool Jogani mata)
The tale about the manifestation of goddess Chhinnamasta is as follows, Once, goddess Bhagwati-Bhawani, went to have a bath in the river Mandakini, with her two companion Jaya and Vijaya.
After having their bath all of them became hungry. The complexion of goddess Bhagawati turned dark because of sheer hunger. Jaya and Vijaya asked for something to eat. Goddess Bhagawati told both of them to wait for some time. After sometime they demanded for food again. They were again told by goddess Bhagawati to wait. Unable to control their hunger Jaya and Vijaya said very politely to Bhagawati that "Mother, give food to her hungry children as soon as it is demanded." Bhagavati was very pleased by their innocence, she severed her head by her own hand and held the severed head in her left hand, three streams of blood started to ooze out from the neck. All of them, satisfied their hunger by drinking the blood from the three streams of blood respectively. She is called Chhinnamasta because of her severed head.
Goddess Chhinnamasta is a symbol of the perception of secrecy. She stands on the seat of white lotus. In her navel 'Yoni Chakra' are situated. The directions itself are her apparel. Her two companions symbolizes the two qualities of TARA (dark) and Raja (medium). She is alive even though her head is severed from her body.
This severed head is symbolic of introverted nature of accomplishment.
There is a narration regarding goddess Dhoomavati that once goddess Parvati being tormented by great hunger requested Lord Shiva to satisfy her hunger. But Lord Shiva did not respond. When he did not respond even after her repeated request than she swallowed Lord Shiva himself. Smoke came out from her appearance. Lord Shiva told her that from now onwards her enchanting appearance of Bhagta would be known as 'Dhooma or Dhoomavati'.
Goddess Dhoomavati's appearance resembles that of an old woman terrifying, always tormented by great thirst and hunger and is considered to posses' great powers
The worship of Baglamukhi who is also famous as 'Pitambara Vidya' (yellow Color is prominently used in her worship) for protection against the enemies and to defeat them, to get victory in the legal matters, to acquire wealth, to clear away the debts and to attain power of oratory etc. In her worship yellow clothes, garland made of turmeric; yellow seat and yellow flowers are used. She is the presiding goddess who has a desire of annihilating the demons in her individual form and carries on the destruction of commodities according to the wishes of the almighty God.
She has her abode amidst the ocean of ambrosia where her canopy decorated with diamonds is situated and her throne is decorated with the jewels. Her complexion is yellow, wears yellow apparels, ornaments and a garlands, which is also of yellow color. In her one hand is a tongue of an enemy and in the other hand she holds a mace.
There is a tale regarding her manifestation. In the 'Satyuga' period once the whole world was threatened by a terrific cyclone. Lord Vishnu being concerned about the safety of the whole humanity went near to Haridra (reservoir) situated in Saurashtra, to please Goddess Bhagawati by his penance.
Shri Vidya (Baglamukhi) appeared before him, manifesting from the water of Haridra wearing yellow apparels. She controlled the powerful current of the threatening flood and destructive nature.
Goddess Bagla helps the almighty god by punishing and controlling those negative powers that try to trespass the natural flow, She controls our speech knowledge and movement. She is capable of giving powers (Siddhis) and fulfilling all the wishes of her devotee like a 'Kalpa-Taru'.
Lord Shiva is also known as Matang. His Shakti (power) is called Matangi. Her complexion is dark and possesses a moon on her forehead. The three-eyed goddess is seated on the crown decorated with jewels. Her luster is like a blue lotus and is destroyer of the demons (forest) like a fire. In each of her four hands, she has a noose, a mace, an axe and a hook. She is a destroyer of the demons by enchanting them first with her beauty and a fulfiller of every desire of her devotees. She is worshipped for the attainment of great powers, power of speech, happiness in family life etc.
Goddess Kamala is the personified energy of Lord Vishnu and a companion in all the divine activities of MahaVishnu. Her worship in reality is the worship of Shakti (Power) the root cause of the existence of this world. Without her blessings a man's life becomes full of misfortune and miseries. Not only the humans but also the deities, the demons, the Gandharvas (Supernatural celestial beings) are eager to have her favors and blessings. She has her seat on the lotus flower and possesses a golden luster in her appearance. Four elephants as white as the snow of Himalayas surround her on four sides, holding vessels full of gold in their trunks. Goddess Kamala has four hands, there are lotus flowers in each of her two hands, and her two remaining hands are in the posture of giving boons and blessings She has a crown on her head and her apparel are silken. Her worship gives victory, splendors, wealth etc. On the spiritual ground, worship of all these ten great learnings is considered the means for attainment of salvation and almighty god.
Mataji is represented as the benevolent Mother where she is the personification of eternal peace. Prayers are offered to 'Maa' who is the manifestation of the absolute energy that pervades the universe. She has the ability to generate life. Hindus believe that the Maa stands for everything that is everywhere in the universe. Maa as the Universal Energy is worshipped.
Another legend speaks of Kaliya, the snake that inhabited the waters of the River Yamuna, whose venom was so vile that it poisoned the river and killed the crops and animals in the region. Bhagwan Krishna, one of Vishnu's avatars, killed Kaliya and liberated the people. That is why Naag Panchami has been celebrated ever since. The origin of snake worship goes back to Ram antiquity. The propitiation of the serpent god is considered essential to the well-being and prosperity of the family and Talvat (from sesame seeds) is offered in the Naived for Kshetrapal.
According to the Hindu mythology, in the Srimad Bhagwatam, Goddess Maa Sati, first consort and devotee of Lord Shiv, immolated herself in the yagna, holy sacrificial fire, when her father Daksh insulted her husband Lord Shiv. Kheer (rice soup) and rotli is offered in the Naived for Sati Mata.
According to legend Hanuman was given a very big ‘vada’ made from Urud Daal by His mother on the eve of His departure to Lanka for the war so Lord Hanuman could eat out of this vada little by little whenever He felt hungry.
Our ancestors who died as a valiant warrior trying to save their villages from bandits, protecting honour of women – mother and sisters are called Surapara. Their rock memorials as ‘Surapura’ were erected where they fell and died. These memorials of our defenders and valiant warriors are still existence in India.
The Nived that take place in the household shrine are the foundation of all family actions and decisions. The size and decoration of a household shrine do not matter. The shrine may be large and impressive, an entire room or a beautifully designed edifice, or it may be simply a tiny niche, or even just a row of religious prints pasted on a wall.
Since this article is just a general guide, many would not be able to understand the terminology of deities and rituals fully. We hope to write in detail as we develop this website. Meanwhile please do follow the ritual with faith and devotion.
After performing the arti and bowing to Maa, many families also perform a ritual of going out in the open or in the back garden and throw four ‘vada’ in each direction. The significance of this is that it will keep away any domestic or family problems and bring Peace in the family.
People believe in different matajis, Some times I wonder why we have got so many? I found out that when mataji came on to the earth she came in different forms and swaroops to help her bhakts and devotees that are troubled. The most well known mataji is Amba maa also known as Durga. There are thousands of devotees of Amba maa all around the world.Amba maa was created by Vishnus power, shivas Powerand Brahamas Power And the rest of the gods when maa had to fight mahisasur, only a women could kill him of his boon from Bhramaji. Each god gave her a weapon, Shiva gave the trishul and mala, Vishnu gave the conch shell and chakra and Brahamaji gave the flower and the sacred book. The himalayas gave her the beautiful tiger she has. We have so many matajis because when she came to earth she came in different avatars(avatars meaning forms) But theres only one mataji. Mataji only comes to the earth if there is evil taking over.Maa saves us from danger and protects us.
About Durga/ Amba mataji-
Durga is the truly multi-dimensional goddess.Durga has a variety of more or lessfearful fo s with different attributes. In her milder fo , she is known as parvarti(the mountain girl), Uma (the light),Himavati(daughter of the himalaya), Jagamata ( mother of the world),and bhavani( the goddess of the universe).In her terrible fo she is known as durga( the inaccessible), Kalika or shyama( the dark complexioned), Chandika or chandi ( the fearful one), and bhairavi(the terrible). All the fo s are broadly included within the name devi or maha devi( the great goddess).
So Who are these Evil demons like Mahishasur?Who are the Asuras or Rakshasas?
The Asuras are powerful beings, who are opposed to the Devas (gods) . Originally, in the vedic times, they were another class of gods, perhaps the indigenous deities. By the end of the Vedic period, however, the Asuras had attained their demonic role.
They are demons capabale of assuming the form of animals or humans. They are completely evil, powerful creatures that delight in spreading fear, confusion, chaos, and destruction among the humans. Sometimes they can even be more powerful than the gods.
Nav Durga
In Durga Saptshati, the Markandeya Purana depicts nine embodiments of the Goddess Durga.
1. Shailputri Another name for Parvati, the daughter of the King of Mountains. Shail means rock and Putri means daughter. Her main purpose was to become consort of Shiva. She is the mother of Ganesha and Kartike.
2. Brahmacharini The Goddess created by Lord Brahma, the celibate untouched Goddess who is the storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. She is worshipped through Japa and is the Goddess of attainment of supreme realization.
3. Chandraghanta This form is worshipped in Kanchipuram. She is the blissful and full of knowledge, showering boons with humility and peace like the rays of the moon. She is very close to her devotees and controls over their anger and protects them from danger.
4. Kushmanda The 4th form whose name traces from the Puranic commentaries of ancient sages. It is clearly mentioned in Yoga-Vasishtha that proclaim that reality of revealing the cosmic truth is found no further than within the human body. Goddess Kushmanda is the embodiment to unlock the key to knowledge of cosmic intricacies. Bhimaparvat is where this Kushmandas temple resides.
5. Skand Mata The great Sanscrit scholar Kalidas created his two masterpiece works Raghyvansh- Maha Kavya and Meghdoot by the grace of Skand Mata. She is the mother of Skand Kumar, a sage whose maternal consciousness encourages her devotees level of awareness and understanding to increase.
6. Katyayani The Goddes who stayed in the Ashram of sage Katyayan for penance (tapa). During this time she became the epithet of Parvati. She took upon herself the burden of the household, allowing other sages more free time to pursue spirituality. She became important in the scientific ages and with her educational mercy she appeared in a place called Vaid Nath where she resides.
7. Kalratri Destroyer of darkness and ignorance, the source and enemy of darkness. She devours fear and her darkness transcends everywhere protecting her devotees from danger. Her famous shrine is in Calcutta and Chandigarh. Kalratri is another name for the Goddess Kali.
8. Mahagauri The unsepeperable from Mahadev. This is the radiant and tranquil form of Goddess Parvati. She is the saviour of all virtuous men and women. She pardons sins of those who show them their true self. Her place of pilgrimage is at Kankhal near Haridwar.
9. Sidhidatri The 9th for of Maa Durga grants living beings accomplishments. She grants the eight super human facilities, so as a result of yogis effort in yoga of their endeavours. Her temple is located in Nanda Parvat in the Himalayas. The worship of all complete nine forms of Durga (Nav Durga) fulfils the accomplished desires of all devotees.
Goddess Saraswati is the Goddess of arts, music, knowledge, and wisdom. Saraswati is considered as the divine consort of Lord Brahma, the Creator of the universe. Goddess Saraswati is said to possess the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. Saraswati is regarded as the dispeller of chaos and confusion.Saraswati - the Consort of Brahma Lord Brahma is known for creating the universe. Since knowledge is required for creation, Maa Saraswati signifies the creative power of Brahma. An apt creation requires sound knowledge. The creation of Lord Brahma became fruitful with the knowledge provided by Goddess Saraswati.
Lakshmi- Lakshmi is Vishnu's Shakti, and follows him in each avatar.
Lakshmi goddess of beauty, fortune and prosperity. Gold coins are said to fall from her hands. Two white elephants, symbols of luck, accompany her. She is the Indian Aphrodite; she is the goddess of prosperity, purity, chastity and generosity. An aura of divine happiness and prosperity always exist around her. She is the Beauty, the Goodness.
Chotila Ni Chamunda maa
Chand and Munda- The form of Chamunda Mataji-The form of Ma Kali who emerged from the forehead of the angry face of the Mother killed the Asuras Chanda and Munda. Chanda means a person who is short-tempered and Munda means a shaven-headed man. Together they imply the anger of a champion fighter. Because of this victory over Chanda and Munda , Kali Mata is known as Chamunda.The other names of Chamunda Mataji are: Ran-chandi, chotilavali maa , Chamunda, mahisasur-mardini. The twin warrior goddesses, Chandi and Chamunda, represent a curious tradition in Hinduism of female warriors, often depicted in pairs, who ride together in battle defeating asuras and exhibiting extraordinary strength and prowess. Throughout India they are assigned different names in different traditionsDayamava-Durgamma in Karnataka, Chotila-Chamunda in Gujarat, Keliamma-Chamunda in Uttar Pradesh, etc.but the stories related to them are all very similar.Sri Chandi and Sri Chamunda are expansions of the goddess Durga and the story of their appearance is as follows: There were once two demons, Chanda and Munda, who performed great austerities for thousands of years in order to please Lord Brahma. After some time, Brahma appeared before them and they asked for the benediction to become great warriors, strong enough to rule the world and conquer heaven. Brahma granted the request but, because the two were demons, chaos quickly ensued. They became more and more greedy and even tried to violate the abodes of Brahma, Siva and Vishnu. It was agreed that Durga-devi should handle the matter, and the goddess expanded herself into two forms, Chandi and Chamunda, who fiercely fought against the demons and emerged victorious.Sri Chandi-Chamunda is said to be the embodiment of Durgas power and strength. The two deities assume fierce forms with large eyes, tridents in their hands, and ride a single lion together. They are dressed in red and green and adorned with flower garlands. There are temples to these twin goddesses scattered throughout India,a famous one is situated on the Chotila Hill in Gujarat. Festivals are celebrated during Durga-puja in the month of Ashvina (September-October).
Bhagwati Randal mataji
Randal mataji is mainly worshipped in Gujarat. Her shrine is in dadva or dadve. She is the mataji that gives sons. She is also known as dikra denari (in gujarati) The giver of eyes to the blind, the giver of children to the childless, the giver of wealth to the poor.Randal mataji is the daughter of Vishvakarma (the divine artificer, craftsman and smith).Vishvakarma bapa also has 4 sons; Luhar, Kumbhar, Suthar and Darji, thus; Randal mataji being the alone sister of these 4 brothers.Many castes worshipped Vishvakarma bhagwan as a fatherly figure and Randal mataji as their sister.Randal mataji is the "Gnath ni kuldevi" for Luhar,Kumbhar, and suthar and many more. For this reason, you may realise that as well as the majority of the surnames of Luhars and Kumbhars being the same, the kuldevis are also the same in accordance to their family name such as Chamunda mataji, Khodiyaar mataji and Balvi mataji. Randal mataji later married surya dev the sun god.
Randal mataji other names are: Ravi randal mataji, Randal maa, Rannade and Randal Aai.
Aai Shri Balvi Maa
Aai shri Balvi mataji was born in the charan Kul (family), she was born in Ujra gaam along with sisters Bahuchar Maa, Boot Maa and Ballad Maa. Her father is Bappal dev and mother is Deval Bai. Her grandfathers name is Jagdev and grandmothers name was Sonal de. Balvi mataji is often seen holding a trishul and talvaar and also seen with a sinh (lion) or a pado(buffalo). The most auspicious day to worship Balvi Mataji is a tuesday. Her nivedhs are done on three ausipicious days these are on nom(nineth) navratri of Aso maino(month),second Nived is done on a ceremony of Srimant(baby shower) and last one is done on the birth of a son in the family.
Shri Pithad Aai Maa
Shri Pithad aai mataji is soyaghadvis daughter, Soyagadhvi couldnt have children just like mamaiya ghadvi khodiyar matajis father, soya ghadvi and mamaya ghadvi were cousin brothers, Soya gadhvi pleaded shankar bhagwan that he could have children so shiva incarnated as a bhramin and gave soya ghadvi pithad aai mataji. She used to look after bulls and cows in her farm, and her vahan is a bull, Pithad aai mataji held a spier and did parcha to everybody to be a good person and not to do bad things, also helped the ill and the ones suffering. Click here for Aai Shri Pithadaai maas Story!
Aai Shri Khodiyar maa
Khodiyar mataji was one of the seven daughters of mamaiya gadhvi and his wife minal gadhvi.Khodiyar maas sisters are all joganis, her sisters which are popualry known are Avadaai mataji, Her cousin sister is Aai shri pithadaai maa.Khodiyar matajis real name is janbai, her sisters names are Avad, jogad,togad,holbaai,sosaai,bheejbai,janbai and one brother mehrak.Khodiyar maas weapon is trishul, her vahan(animal) is crocodile. The best day to worship khodiyar mataji is Tuesday and her favourite prasad is lapsi.
Kaleshwari mataji
Kaleshwari matajis mandir is in uttarsanda near nadiad the panch gam region of gujurat (charotar) located amongst what use to be a jungle but now is an agriculturally flourishing area. This ancient mataji had been the Kuldevis of many locals of the gam and is the residing kul devi of Brahmins and kshtariyas (rajputs and darbars). Today many local patel also worship the goddesss. Many do a manta of torans with 5 coconuts and during norta there are many events held there including a havan on dashera which is the main day for the devi. The temple also has ambaji, mahakali and mahdevji alongside a small lake which holds water for local animals and other religious uses like the immersion of baby hair after a mundan which also commonly takes place at the temple. The goddess has other located temples in the south of India where she is known as Kalubai and resides there with lord mandeshwar in the Mandher Devi temple; here the idol of Kalubai sports two silver masks and silk finery. The masks are carried in a procession and the devi is given an annual sacrifice on the full moon day of here fair. In northern india another temple of kaleshwari devi on Kolhua hill which is quite distinctive and is known as " Akash Lochan"(Sky Eye). There are some ancient temples, the most important of which is a temple of ' Kali' known as 'Kauleshwari Devi' On Basant panchami and Ram navmi days, a large number of pilgrims flock to the hill top for worship. Sacrifice of goat in front of the temple is common.The temples is now a place of pilgrimage for the Hindus.
Phool jogani mataji other names are-Chhinnamastika (Chhinnamasta, Chinnamasta, Chinnamastika) - Goddess without a head
The goddess resident in Chintpurni is also known by this name. According to Markandeya Purana, goddess Chandi defeated the demons after a fierce battle but two of her yogini emanations (Jaya and Vijaya) were still thirsty for more blood. Goddess Chandi cut off her own head to quench Jaya and Vijaya�s thirst for more blood.
She is usually shown holding her own severed head in her hand, drinking one stream of blood spurting from the arteries in her neck, while at her side are two naked yoginis, each of whom drinks another stream of blood.
Chhinnamasta, the headless goddess, is the Great Cosmic Power who helps the sincere and devoted yogi to dissolve his or her mind, including all the preconceived ideas, attachments and habits into the Pure Divine Consciousness. Cutting off the head suggests the separation of the mind from the body, that is the freedom of the consciousness from the material confines of the physical body.
According to Puranic traditions, Chhinnamastika Devi will be protected by Shiva - Rudra Mahadev in the four directions. There are four Shiva temples - Kaleshwar Mahadev in the east, Narayhana Mahadev in the west, Muchkund Mahadev in the north and Shiva Bari in the south - which are nearly equidistant from Chintpurni. This also confirms Chintpurni as the abode of Chhinnamastika Devi.
The Dash Mahavidhyas-(Ten Mahavidhyas)
Goddess Kali holds the primary position among all the ten great learnings. There is a tale mentioned in the Kalika-Purana. Once the deities went to the Himalayas and eulogized the personifications of the illusions of the world (Mahamaya). According to the Purana this place was the hermitage of Sage Matang. Pleased by them, Bhagavati appeared in the form of Matang's mistress and asked as to whom were they eulogizing.
Instantly a divine appearance manifested from the body of that mistress, which was as dark as a Mountain in complexion.This divine appearance herself answered on behalf of the deities that these deities are eulogizing me. Since the complexion of that divine appearance was black like a collyrium she was given the name of KALI .
Though Tara & Kali are same yet their complexions are different. Kali complexion is dark whereas Tara complexion is blue. Tara killed the demon 'Hayagreeva'. She has Lord Shiva lying under her feet like a corpse. Her bluish complexion's beauty is magnified manifold by her three eyes, which appear like a blue lotus flowers. In her four hands she has a scissors, a head (skull), a lotus flower and an axe. She wears tiger's skin on her body, and has a necklace of skulls around her neck. She is considered to be very violent in nature, but her eagerness to shower blessings on the devotee is infallible too. So she is the most merciful. Tara or Ugratara is worshipped for the attainment of powers of speech, pleasures and even salvation. She is also worshipped for the destruction of enemies. Tara is worshipped in the night and is an another appearance of Shakti. She is considered to be the ruler and presider of miraculous effects and accomplishments.
She is called Shodashi because she possesses all the sixteen Supernatural powers (Kala). Goddess Shodashi is the most enchanting beauty of all the ten great learnings. Shodashi, who has the mantra consisting of sixteen letters, has organs glowing like a rising sun. She has four hands and three eyes. She is seated on the lotus, which is placed on the body of Shiva who is lying in a peaceful posture. She has a noose, a hook, a bow and an arrow in each of her hands. Everyday to shower blessings on her devotees, her appearance is completely Somber & gentle and her heart is full of compassion. A devotee who takes her refuge achieves great divinity like the deities. In fact her splendors are indescribable. Even the Vedas are incapable of describing her greatness. Being pleased with her devotee she gives more than he demands.
The presiding of Mani-dwipa (name of a place) as described in Devi Bhagawat is an embodiment of the Mantra 'Hrillekha' (HRIM), Shakti and Maha Laxmi and also a companion of Lord Shiva in all of his divine activities and is called Goddess Bhuvaneshwari.
Goddess Bhuvaneshwari is the preeminent and a nurturer of the whole humanity. Her appearance is Somber and her complexion is red. She blesses her devotee by making him fearless and also help him in the accomplishment of all the powers. In the scriptures her greatness has been described in detail.
Tripura sundari
The methods for the worship of Tripura-Bhairavi have been described in the sacred texts for the attainment of victory over the sensual desires and all round development.
Tripura-Bhairavi who is also called Kala-Bhairavi is the presiding goddess of this decaying-world. Her complexion is red like the thousands of rising-sun, wears silken apparel and has a garland of heads around her neck. Her lips are marked with blood. She has three eyes and possesses a moon in her crown. She has a garland in her hand and is an embodiment of knowledge, fearlessness and boons. There is a soft smile on her lips.
Chinnmastika (Phool Jogani mata)
The tale about the manifestation of goddess Chhinnamasta is as follows, Once, goddess Bhagwati-Bhawani, went to have a bath in the river Mandakini, with her two companion Jaya and Vijaya.
After having their bath all of them became hungry. The complexion of goddess Bhagawati turned dark because of sheer hunger. Jaya and Vijaya asked for something to eat. Goddess Bhagawati told both of them to wait for some time. After sometime they demanded for food again. They were again told by goddess Bhagawati to wait. Unable to control their hunger Jaya and Vijaya said very politely to Bhagawati that "Mother, give food to her hungry children as soon as it is demanded." Bhagavati was very pleased by their innocence, she severed her head by her own hand and held the severed head in her left hand, three streams of blood started to ooze out from the neck. All of them, satisfied their hunger by drinking the blood from the three streams of blood respectively. She is called Chhinnamasta because of her severed head.
Goddess Chhinnamasta is a symbol of the perception of secrecy. She stands on the seat of white lotus. In her navel 'Yoni Chakra' are situated. The directions itself are her apparel. Her two companions symbolizes the two qualities of TARA (dark) and Raja (medium). She is alive even though her head is severed from her body.
This severed head is symbolic of introverted nature of accomplishment.
There is a narration regarding goddess Dhoomavati that once goddess Parvati being tormented by great hunger requested Lord Shiva to satisfy her hunger. But Lord Shiva did not respond. When he did not respond even after her repeated request than she swallowed Lord Shiva himself. Smoke came out from her appearance. Lord Shiva told her that from now onwards her enchanting appearance of Bhagta would be known as 'Dhooma or Dhoomavati'.
Goddess Dhoomavati's appearance resembles that of an old woman terrifying, always tormented by great thirst and hunger and is considered to posses' great powers
The worship of Baglamukhi who is also famous as 'Pitambara Vidya' (yellow Color is prominently used in her worship) for protection against the enemies and to defeat them, to get victory in the legal matters, to acquire wealth, to clear away the debts and to attain power of oratory etc. In her worship yellow clothes, garland made of turmeric; yellow seat and yellow flowers are used. She is the presiding goddess who has a desire of annihilating the demons in her individual form and carries on the destruction of commodities according to the wishes of the almighty God.
She has her abode amidst the ocean of ambrosia where her canopy decorated with diamonds is situated and her throne is decorated with the jewels. Her complexion is yellow, wears yellow apparels, ornaments and a garlands, which is also of yellow color. In her one hand is a tongue of an enemy and in the other hand she holds a mace.
There is a tale regarding her manifestation. In the 'Satyuga' period once the whole world was threatened by a terrific cyclone. Lord Vishnu being concerned about the safety of the whole humanity went near to Haridra (reservoir) situated in Saurashtra, to please Goddess Bhagawati by his penance.
Shri Vidya (Baglamukhi) appeared before him, manifesting from the water of Haridra wearing yellow apparels. She controlled the powerful current of the threatening flood and destructive nature.
Goddess Bagla helps the almighty god by punishing and controlling those negative powers that try to trespass the natural flow, She controls our speech knowledge and movement. She is capable of giving powers (Siddhis) and fulfilling all the wishes of her devotee like a 'Kalpa-Taru'.
Lord Shiva is also known as Matang. His Shakti (power) is called Matangi. Her complexion is dark and possesses a moon on her forehead. The three-eyed goddess is seated on the crown decorated with jewels. Her luster is like a blue lotus and is destroyer of the demons (forest) like a fire. In each of her four hands, she has a noose, a mace, an axe and a hook. She is a destroyer of the demons by enchanting them first with her beauty and a fulfiller of every desire of her devotees. She is worshipped for the attainment of great powers, power of speech, happiness in family life etc.
Goddess Kamala is the personified energy of Lord Vishnu and a companion in all the divine activities of MahaVishnu. Her worship in reality is the worship of Shakti (Power) the root cause of the existence of this world. Without her blessings a man's life becomes full of misfortune and miseries. Not only the humans but also the deities, the demons, the Gandharvas (Supernatural celestial beings) are eager to have her favors and blessings. She has her seat on the lotus flower and possesses a golden luster in her appearance. Four elephants as white as the snow of Himalayas surround her on four sides, holding vessels full of gold in their trunks. Goddess Kamala has four hands, there are lotus flowers in each of her two hands, and her two remaining hands are in the posture of giving boons and blessings She has a crown on her head and her apparel are silken. Her worship gives victory, splendors, wealth etc. On the spiritual ground, worship of all these ten great learnings is considered the means for attainment of salvation and almighty god.
Understanding of Naived
BHATIA COMMUNITY / families and Hindus around the world would do Naived (a small Havan) during the NAVRATRI AND Diwali festival. Diwali Naived, depending on the individual’s family tradition, is normally performed on Kali Chaudas and Diwali. The most popular day is on Kali Chaudas (the day before the Diwali) when Naived is offered to Kuldevi.
The ritual on how to perform Naived at home had been traditionally passed on from parents to children and they in turn pass it to their children. Families will then follow the same ritual as were taught by their parents or grand parents
However today younger generation do ask inquisitive questions and would like to know the reasons behind doing such Naived. Some times the parents themselves would find it difficult to explain the reasons as they been following the ritual learnt from their own parents and grandparents.
I hope this information would help to understand more about the significance of Naived. I am by no means an authority to write on Religion or the Religious ceremony. I am writing this from what I understand of Naived by RECORDS reading our BHATIA’S COMMUNITY MAHAJAN Barot’s and various religious books. Please take this as just a general guide and hope members will find this informative and useful
Origin of Naived
Although Naived is performed for the past many thousand of years, the origins of rituals are normally lost. The main reason for this origin being lost is the absence of a written language during the tribal stage and due to the absence of a written language, ideas had to be passed on from generation to generation by means of oral narration. The rituals of Naived vary greatly according to the individual family’s tradition, so would be best to take advice from your family elders.
We worship following deities when we perform Naived:-
Mataji is represented as the benevolent Mother where she is the personification of eternal peace. Prayers are offered to 'Maa' who is the manifestation of the absolute energy that pervades the universe. She has the ability to generate life. Hindus believe that the Maa stands for everything that is everywhere in the universe. Maa as the Universal Energy is worshipped.
From the canons of Hinduism -
Maa Lakshmi – Goddess for wealth. As Laxmi She is abundance. Not only material, but of Air, Land, Space etc
Maa Durga – Goddess for Strength. 'Durga' sitting on a Lion, she is a manifestation of 'Shakti' or the primordial energy. The power to breathe, walk, digest etc, comes from Ma Durga.
Maa Saraswati - Goddess for knowledge. She is the 'OM', from where all sound emanates.
Hindus have always believed in worshipping Mataji. Thus different forms of the Ultimate Power are revered on different occasions.
You need to check ‘Ancestral Tree’ to understand the significance of Naived and family lineage. To open the tree Click Parajiya Ambo. Each family needs to know their Kurdevi, Devta, etc. to perform Naived. These details is available by following the ancestral tree - Ambo.
Kurdevi (family deity)
Hindu religion has given thousands of names for Gods and Goddesses. Each group has its own deity whom they worship. Thus Kurdevi is generally identified as a family deity playing a vital role within a community. These deities are worshipped in the temples as well at home.
BHATIA COMMUNITY’S that includes Kutchhi,Halai,Kanthi,Pavrai,Navgaam,Pachhishgaam,JeshalmerBhatia And Thathhai Bhatia’s.believe and pray to Kuldevis (family deities) like Mahalaxmi, Shikotar/Wahaanvati, Harshidhhi,Ashapura,Saptashrungi, Momai Mata, Tulja Bhavani, Khodiyar, Hingraj, Wagheswari, Ambaji/Ambika, Maha Kali, Bhawani, Chamunda, Hans Vahni, Bahucharaji, Raandal, Jwalamukhi and Vinjan.Each family has their own kurdevi. Cow’s Pure Ghee Sukhadi or Lapsi is offered in the Naived for Kurdevi.ISTDEVS - Thus BHATIA COMMUNITY’S ManyKuldevis and Kuldevta.But There is Only One istdevs –Shreenath ji @ Shri Krishna - (perceived as the avtars (reincarnation) of God) All these deities’ temples are located in various towns and villages in India. |
Hinduism believes in the concept of noble soul or devta. This means that any individual, through his karma, can be regarded as a noble soul, worthy of worship by a group of his followers. This has further resulted in the concept of Kuldevatas where every clan has its own deity. This is a kind of ancestor worship. Some of the Kuldevtas in Bhatia Community’s are Surdeem ji, etc. If your Kuldevta is Surdeemji,Sukhadee/Gol Paapdee is normally offered in the Naived Ritual if your Kuldevta/Istdev Dariyalal, loose ‘Churmu’ is normally offered in the Naived ritual.
Kshetrapal Nagdevta - Kshetrapala,Khetarpaal,Naagdada protector of the region
Kshetrapal is an important deity, which literally means the guard of the region. There are various legends on the origin of this deity.
The Naag (Serpent) culture was fairly widespread in India before the Aryan migration, and continues to be an important sect in certain areas. After coming to India, the Indo-Aryans incorporated the worship of snakes (Naag) into Hinduism. The festival is especially dedicated to the Shesh Naag, who comforts the protector of the entire existence, Lord Vishnu.
Another legend speaks of Kaliya, the snake that inhabited the waters of the River Yamuna, whose venom was so vile that it poisoned the river and killed the crops and animals in the region. Bhagwan Krishna, one of Vishnu's avatars, killed Kaliya and liberated the people. That is why Naag Panchami has been celebrated ever since. The origin of snake worship goes back to Ram antiquity. The propitiation of the serpent god is considered essential to the well-being and prosperity of the family and Talvat (from sesame seeds) is offered in the Naived for Kshetrapal.
Sati Mata
According to the Hindu mythology, in the Srimad Bhagwatam, Goddess Maa Sati, first consort and devotee of Lord Shiv, immolated herself in the yagna, holy sacrificial fire, when her father Daksh insulted her husband Lord Shiv. Kheer (rice soup) and rotli is offered in the Naived for Sati Mata.
Hingraj Mataji
According to the legend, Hingraj Mataji taught us to become jewellers. Parajiya Soni Community came into being because of Hinraj Mataji. For further readings on Hingraj Mataji, please refer to our Parajiya History. We offer Savories like ‘puri’ in the Naived
Lord Hanuman
Lord Hanuman, also called Mahaveera (the great hero) or Pavan-suta (son of air) or Bajarangbali is a noble hero and great devotee of Lord Rama. He is a provider of courage, hope, knowledge, intellect and devotion. He is pictured holding a mace (gada), which is a sign of bravery. Devotees pray to Hanuman to protect them from material obstacles in the path of devotional service and engage them in the service of the Supreme Bhagwan Ram.
According to legend Hanuman was given a very big ‘vada’ made from Urud Daal by His mother on the eve of His departure to Lanka for the war so Lord Hanuman could eat out of this vada little by little whenever He felt hungry.
Incidentally, Urud daal, the chief ingredient, is also offered to appease Rahu, the significator of abnormal fears and snake curse etc Lord Hanuman is known for his strength and benevolence He provides his protection to everyone who selects his bhakti. Lord Hanuman is worshipped with offerings of vada made from udad lentils in the Naived.
Our ancestors who died as a valiant warrior trying to save their villages from bandits, protecting honour of women – mother and sisters are called Surapara. Their rock memorials as ‘Surapura’ were erected where they fell and died. These memorials of our defenders and valiant warriors are still existence in India.
These ancestral father-worships (Surapura) are of great importance to many Hindu communities. Wherever possible, the newly weds symbolic knot or the wedding knot, ‘cheda-chedi’ which was tied at the 'mandap' during the Hindu wedding ceremony is opened after doing Nived at their family’s Surapura memorial to take their ancestral father’s blessings. Rice is offered to our Surapura in the Naived ritual
‘Naived’ or Offering to a deity has always been a significant part of our culture.
Hindus have favorite Gods and Goddesses or Ishta Devatas, Kurdevis to whom they call upon to help, guide and protect them and help them face unexplainable hurdles in life.
A more direct form of ancestor-worship is the ‘Naived’ performed by Hindus during a particular period. Parajiya Sonis worship and do Naived to such deities.
Dishes for Nived
Item |
Ritual description as to what is Required? |
1 |
Lapsi for Kurdevi |
2 |
Kheer (rice soup) and rotli for Sati Mata |
3 |
Rice for Surapura dada |
4 |
Savories (puri) for Hingraj Mataji |
5 |
Sweet Buns / Maal Puwa (Pudla) for Shikotar Mataji |
6 |
Talvat (from sesame seeds) for Khystrapal Nag Devta |
7 |
Hotchpotch (khichdi) for Khetaliya dada |
8 |
Vada made from Urud Daal for Hanuman |
9 |
Loose Churmu – for Dariyalal (only for those whose Istdev is Dariyalal) |
As mentioned earlier, this information should be used only as a general guide. Food for nived varies with each family. Families do not need to use all the above food for Naived. Each has its own traditions. So is better to follow each family’s traditional ritual.
Portions for Naived: - In the old days of joint nuclear family when 35-40 family members used to live together under one roof, the portions of each dish used to be large. Now with the break of such joint family, the portion of each dish should be prepared according to the number of family members. One needs to ensure that the dishes are carefully prepared with love and devotion. The amount of food should not be prepared in excess amount. As this blessed food is later retrieved after the nived and consumed so must not be wasted
Ritual of Naived
The heart of every Hindu home is its shrine: the sacred space set for honouring and worshiping the Gods. The rituals are always meant to inculcate feelings of devotion and to bring about the divine orientation of human life.
The Nived that take place in the household shrine are the foundation of all family actions and decisions. The size and decoration of a household shrine do not matter. The shrine may be large and impressive, an entire room or a beautifully designed edifice, or it may be simply a tiny niche, or even just a row of religious prints pasted on a wall.
The children in the house grow up following family beliefs and are encouraged to participate in the Nived ceremony as they will find it personally inspiring. One or more family members on behalf of the whole family usually perform Nived at the household shrine. During the performance of the nived, offerings are made to different deities as mentioned above. The simplest form of nived is the domestic ritual performed by the householder who would offer simple oblation into the sacred fire lit in his house and pouring of offerings into them little bits of the food mentioned above, invoking various gods and deities.
Since this article is just a general guide, many would not be able to understand the terminology of deities and rituals fully. We hope to write in detail as we develop this website. Meanwhile please do follow the ritual with faith and devotion.
A shrine for the nived will normally include following deities: Photograph of Maa Kurdevi ( If photo of Kurdevi is unavailable then use Ambe Maa ), Mataji’s Trishul (trident of Shiva), coconut, fruits and flowers. Dhoop / Lobaan Prepared food for nived is placed near the shrine.
Ten (some families make nine) morsels of puris are placed in a large dish. Each morsel consists of a heap of nine (some families keep seven) puris and one vada on top of each heap. A cup shaped diva with four corners, made from wheat flour is placed on top of each heap. Each diva will have wick wet with only Cow’s ghee in each of the four corners.
Coconut milk is extracted in a glass. Seven pieces from the cracked coconut are placed in front of the Mataji photo and a bit of food from each prepared dish is placed on top of these coconut pieces to signify our offerings to the deities. All wicks on the ten morsels are now lighted. When lighted, there will be ten morsels with four wicks lit making it a beautiful forty diva arti thali.
Aarti is the beautiful ceremony in which divas flames are offered to Mataji. Aarti is performed to God, in any manifestation, any form, by any name. The essence of the aarti ceremony is that all day long God offers us light - the light of the sun, the light of life, the light of His (Her) blessings. Aarti is a time when we say "thank you," and we offer back the light of our thanks, the light of our love and the light of our devotion.
We realise that the small diva is nothing compared to the divine light, which shines on us all day. So, aarti is a ceremony of humility, a time in which we acknowledge that "God, you are everything. I am nothing. All day you shine upon the world. All I can offer you is this small diva, a flame that will be blown out by the passing wind. But, I offer it with devotion and with love. Please accept my offering."
The family members then chants arti and pray to Mataji. Sing Mataji ni Aarti together
Also click to read Aarti - Navratri Special
After performing the arti and bowing to Maa, many families also perform a ritual of going out in the open or in the back garden and throw four ‘vada’ in each direction. The significance of this is that it will keep away any domestic or family problems and bring Peace in the family.
Why do we offer SAMAGARI / food to the Lord or Deities before eating it?
Hindus make an offering of SAMAGARI/ food to the Mataji, devtas and devis and later partake of it as prashad - a holy gift from our Lord. We offer nived/SAMAGARI (food) to the Kurdevi. What we receive in life as a result of our actions is really our Maa. We acknowledge this through the act of offering food to our Kurdevi, Istdev, Pitru Dev(for Late fathers/Mothers ,Grand Fathers/Grand Mothers) and other deities.
By performing these sacred acts the worshiper creates a relationship with the divine through his or her emotions and senses. Family members bow before Mataji, sip coconut water as Prashad, and receive a portion of cooked food. This food and water are now considered blessed by the deities.
Love and joy come to Hindu families who do nived and worship to her and ooze profound boons, blessings and Ashirvad. With Her kind blessings the distress, sufferings, misfortunes, miseries and uncalled for troubles will vanish ever for and the success will become your pleasant companion at every step of life.
After offering the food thus, it is eaten as prashad - blessed food.
I hope the above information have enlightened you about the significance of Naived.
The essence of Naived is to maintain the feeling of surrender and dedication to Mataji and will fill our lives with knowledge, understanding, devotion and love. The mental calm and tranquillity one experience after performing Naived is to be experienced to believe it.
May Mataji fill your lives with love and happiness
Jai Mataji
List of Gothras and Nukhs
of Nukhs(84)
who are unaware of their Gothra or Nukh, come under the Kashyup Gothra.
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